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Fix: Opacity of Navbar . #450

Open hritik2002 opened 2 years ago

hritik2002 commented 2 years ago

Opacity of Navbar is not 1 , so it is transparent. Contents beside the navbar is seen and looks imperfect.

Screenshot from 2021-11-02 17-39-37

Expected Navbar : Making opacity of Navbar to 1 , so that contents below it is not shown to the visitor. Screenshot from 2021-11-02 17-39-19 :

Should I fix this issue ?

hritik2002 commented 2 years ago

I have solved the issue and have made a pr. Please review it once .

DawnArchi01 commented 2 years ago

Hey I can work on it .

Krish-bhardwaj commented 2 years ago

I am interested to fix this issue. I request you to allow me to fix it. can you assign me this issue

Aman1143 commented 1 year ago

I want to fix this issue. i reqesting you to allow me to fix it.

pranav-deshmukh commented 1 year ago

I cleared the issue please review my PR #457