Closed dreadpool2 closed 6 years ago
Not required for now. Focus on features
Sure :+1:
@codedsun Look at this, this is a bug
@iamareebjamal Working!
@iamareebjamal I tried 2-3 ways of getting this, but I am not able to implement this properly. How canI send the adapter posiiton from EventDetails Fragment to the EventFragment on backPress?
@iamareebjamal Do we add this fragment to backstack and retain thie state of the EventsFragment and on backpress pop it off?
No, normal recyclerview works fine. Check what's the issue with our implementation
@iamareebjamal I am still not able to get it. Like, what I am thinking that onBackPress the recyclerView should be scrolled to the position of that event.
Like for example I clicked event with 5th position then on backpress, it should be scrolled to 5th directly. Tell me where I am going wrong?
What happens now :
What should occur: The app should come back to the same item position
Working on it :+1: