fossasia / phimpme-android Photo Imaging and Picture Editor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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lossless flip/mirror #2149

Open graingert opened 5 years ago

graingert commented 5 years ago

Actual Behaviour

Can't flip images

Expected Behaviour

Be able to flip images, preferably losslessly with jpeg: Steps to reproduce it

Add steps to reproduce bugs or add information on the place where the feature should be implemented. Add links to a sample deployment or code.

LogCat for the issue

Provide logs for the crash here

Screenshots of the issue

Where-ever possible attach a screenshot of the issue.

Would you like to work on the issue?

Please let us know if you can work on it or the issue should be assigned to someone else.

sauravvishal8797 commented 5 years ago

@graingert Their is already a similar issue open #2097 .

graingert commented 5 years ago

2097 is about 90 degree rotation

sparrow007 commented 5 years ago

i would like to work on this issue for that please tell me brief about the bug in the app.

codedsun commented 4 years ago

@yashk2000 Please list this as a feature.