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Barometer BM180 I2C produce random values #1625

Open gdampf opened 5 years ago

gdampf commented 5 years ago

Actual Behaviour

conected BMP180 based on GY-68 is detected in Sensors, but not in Barometer (shows not connected). trying to measure produces very unstable data (Temperature show random values between 10 and 400 degree centigrade). But you can see, if you filter just the lowest values, that this raises, if you warm the sensor.

Expected Behaviour

More or less stable temperature, if not warming or cooling the sensor

Steps to reproduce it

Connect a BMP180 based on GY-68 (4-pin-connector: GND, VIN, SCL, SDA) to corresponding pins as described and auto-detect sensors, than choose BMP180 external and start measurement.

Would you like to work on the issue?

No - too messy project.

Screenshot: IMG_2433

kartikeysaran commented 3 years ago

Should i work on this ? @CloudyPadmal @mariobehling

CloudyPadmal commented 3 years ago

Hello @kartikeysaran , without a device it would be challenging. But you can give it a try. 👍🏼

kartikeysaran commented 3 years ago

Hello @kartikeysaran , without a device it would be challenging. But you can give it a try. 👍🏼

Sure ! :)