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Create 'Community' collective #6

Open gusaus opened 1 year ago

gusaus commented 1 year ago

We still need a "Open Collective community" collective that we can use to sustain working groups (including this one) and community contributors.

Unfortunately is taken (although it doesn't seem like it benefits or is related to Open Collective) so we'll need to determine the next best name (Open Collective Working Groups?) and apply to OSC (OFC is currently not an option).

ShaneCurcuru commented 1 year ago

Just to clarify: this task is to create an actual "collective" at OC, correct?

What are the actual questions/answers needed to create a collective, and how would our future community group decide who's on the list, who's in charge, or any other details? (I haven't had time to create a username at OC yet, sorry)

gusaus commented 1 year ago

Yes! I was planning on filling in a bit more detail in the description. But to answer your question - I 'think' this would be a case where (similar to someone from Open Collective would create it for us (assuming they were supportive of the idea).

With regards to how we'd manage, that's something we'd detail and document in

gusaus commented 8 months ago

Instead of rambling on about what's been happening in the background since the last update, I'll reference this conversation (one way, so far) I started on the Open Collective community collective.

A quick skim through the conversation and the About should provide background and context.

For those unaware, @xdamman is a Open Collective co-founder and the visionary behind Open Collective cities, the catalyst for what we're going to enable!

gusaus commented 7 months ago

I've been corresponding with @xdamman (owner/admin of about teaming up to

Considering the collective would essentially be representing Open Collective's Community - we'll need Open Collective leadership involved. Especially if we're enabling a community they can Exit to

tekNorah commented 1 month ago

@gusaus have we yet reached OC leadership to discuss this? Any updates here?

gusaus commented 1 month ago

@tekNorah I believe I reached out to @xdamman soonafter the OCF dissolution was announced. Haven't heard anything back since we corresponded last year.

I think the loss of their nonprofit Slack instance (I'm assuming that's directly related to the OCF dissolution) creates an additional need for an engaged (sustainable) community.

Access to (or similarly named collective should Xavier decide to keep as is) will provide us with the mechanism to do that.

tekNorah commented 1 month ago

@gusaus - Sorry, I'm not quite clear. Firstly, the current OC Slack instance isn't going away, just the number of members will be limited and a separate OC 'Community' workspace will be created, which I think fills the need well. So, I have a couple questions:

  1. What problems do you think will be faced when a separate OC 'Community' workspace exists?
  2. How does facilitation of the OC | Community collective help to solve this problem?
gusaus commented 1 month ago

the current OC Slack instance isn't going away, just the number of members will be limited and a separate OC 'Community' workspace will be created, which I think fills the need well

I was repeating the wordage in the Slack thread. Looks like the OC team is still evaluating options, but the point I was trying to make is that providing input, to helping setup and manage ( is related) are additional ways members of the Community Working Group can contribute to Open Collective's community (

How does facilitation of the OC | Community collective help to solve this problem?

It will provide the mechanism to raise funds and pay contributors ( is related to the latter).