fossephate / JoyCon-Driver

A vJoy feeder for the Nintendo Switch JoyCons and Pro Controller
MIT License
1.07k stars 195 forks source link

Prompt "An update is available!" #125

Open 9r8k opened 5 years ago

9r8k commented 5 years ago

When I start joycon-driver.exe - I always get the following message joycon-driver followed by joycon-driver-2

But when I click on 'Check for update' all that happens is the same messages popping up again and - after a while - a cmd shell opening while the GUI closes.

I can use everything normally but the message is kind of irritating. Plus it's strange that the supposedly 'new' version has no number.

RafaelELopez commented 5 years ago

I have the exact same issue, but on top of it all the main program's window looks all cramped for me. Still works fine, but it's not helping with user-friendliness. Just saying in case it's related.


Might also be worth mentioning that I'm running my windows on a macbook (through bootcamp). Probably doesn't make a difference, but just in case.

greysdawn commented 5 years ago

Currently dealing with the same issue. Wasn't a problem when I first got the software, and started recently. No clue what caused it

MaragonMH commented 5 years ago

The problem is that the website ( is down since october 2018. Every time the application is starting, the application tries to connect to the website to get the lastest version. After several seconds or minutes the download fails because the website is down and the version update message finally appears

In my solution i tried to avoid the method which calls the updater at startup How:

  1. Download a hex editor (Hexedit Mx)
  2. Open the joycon-driver.exe file with hex editor
  3. Search for hex code E8 BA 01 00 00 at position 0x072F02
  4. Replace it with 90 90 90 90 90 and safe the exe

OR: Replace your exe with the exe from this link:

wizzwizz2 commented 4 years ago

Now that is a version number and a half! update

wizzwizz2 commented 4 years ago

Does the dev still own the website?

LadderOperator commented 4 years ago

I have the exact same issue, but on top of it all the main program's window looks all cramped for me. Still works fine, but it's not helping with user-friendliness. Just saying in case it's related.


Might also be worth mentioning that I'm running my windows on a macbook (through bootcamp). Probably doesn't make a difference, but just in case.

Same problem, my device: Windows 10 1920x1080 resolution 125% display scaling . I changed the scaling to 100% and it was much better.

Then I tried another way like this video here(though I don't have a 4K monitor...the problem may have a same origin) to modify the single joycon-driver.exe.