Closed londumas closed 11 years ago
Many thanks for the submission - I'll look into this as soon as possible.
We are currently preparing for our next release which we believe will resolve the other issues you mentioned.
If you are willing and able to help us test out our next version please can you use the following instructions.
sudo apt-get install git gettext python-mako python-mutagen python-requests git clone -b master cd coverart-browser ./
To remove this prerelease version:
rm -rf ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/coverart_browser
Hello, I have just installed the prerealsed version.
-> Not every thing is already translated into French. I can help you with that if you want. #Not fixed -> The problem with the "All genres" option and the scrolling at first click is still there. #Not fixed -> The genres are now classed by alphabetical numbers. #Fixed -> The problem with albums in two cds is still there. I think it is because after classing by artists it doesn't class by names of the album or by year but by random. #Not fixed (but not so important) -> The last part about downloading every time I oppen is still there but it is faster. #Not fixed
Thank you for this prerealese which is very beautiful and more convenient.
[edit] -> The "Sort by album artist" seems to have alse a bug. I have a "S" before a "A" then it follows the alphabet til "C" then back to "A". -> The same option also splits some albums in to or three.
-> Here are the two pictures to see the difference between the first and the second click for the genres selection. You can see that at the first click the arrows at the top and the bottom can not be seen and we can't scroll down or up. Whereas the arrows can be seen at the second click and we can scroll down.
-> The problem of albums split into two or more was my fault. Bad tags.
-> I still have the problem of albums with more than one disc not showed next to one another when I select "class by artist". I have no clue if it is due to me or to the software.
-> It seems that in the algorithm classing albums by alphabetical order there is a difference between capitals and lower case. This I think should be corrected. That is why at the end of my album list, I have all the albums that start with a lower case. There is also a difference between "é" and "e" so for me "É" is at the end after a "Y". I don't know if this last problem is easy to fix.
-> It seems that for your algorithm, "100 album 1" is before "17 album 2" since "0" is smaller than "7". It is not looking at "100" against "17". This is not so important, it is just that Rhythmbox is doing the contrary.
-> The downloading at the beginning of each opening is still there. Is there no solution for that problem?
Finally if you update the prerealese, how can I update the version of the prerealese I have ?
with regards to the update from pre-release.
My recommendation would be every week, download the latest code and install - you can help us with testing that way :)
If you install the plugin via my rhythmbox-plugin PPA, then you'll just need to remove the pre-release (the "rm -rf" command above) - run the normal update-manager and you'll get the latest version. Obviously you'll need to wait until I've uploaded to my PPA - usually at the same time as I do the release here on GitHub.
Timelines will be variable - currently slated for the end-of-this month - but may be extended with other work we may do to the plugin... and also what we do in our day jobs!
As you can see I've split your issues.
@asermax - any comments on the following queries?
" The downloading at the beginning of each opening is still there. Is there no solution for that problem?"
" I still have the problem of albums with more than one disc not showed next to one another when I select "class by artist". I have no clue if it is due to me or to the software."
Good, I hope that it will help you. Tell me if you need me for anything.
@fossfreedom in response of your question to which branch should the above issues be worked on:
@londumas - the sort issues (numbers and accent issues) you mentioned should hopefully be resolved now with the very latest code.
Thank, for this fix. It works fine on my album collection.
Hello, Thank for your work it is a very cool app I want to repport some bugs. I have tried an the GitHub website and couldn't find where to post it. So here it is : -> Every first time I use the filter there is no way to scroll up or down. But as I use it a second time it works. -> The genres in the filter scrolling tool are not classed by alphabetical names, so it is hard to find what we want. -> See the picture attached. When an albums has two cds these two cds doesn't always eds up next to one another and in the right order in the coverart-browser. Here the name of the first cd of the album is "Blonde On Blonde (Disc 2) [The Original Mono Recordings]" the between them there is "The Times They Are A-Changin' [The Original Mono Recordings]" and after "Blonde On Blonde (Disc 1) [The Original Mono Recordings]"
-> Last think witch I am not sure if it is a bug or due to my configuration but every first time I open the jaquettes option, the software has to find again all my albums. When it doesn't do that for the song option. Maybe it is my computer because my songs aren't on /home but on a partion loaded on boot.
Thank you for your work. I hope it will help you to make better an app which is already very great.
I work on quantal 64 bits.