fossfreedom / coverart-browser

Browse your cover-art albums in Rhythmbox v2.96 - 3.0+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cover image ratio cropping #141

Open Pierce1979 opened 11 years ago

Pierce1979 commented 11 years ago

some album covers i have and use are not square, but possibly wider or taller. yes, i'm unusual and awkward :)

currently these are just stretched/skewed and look quite ugly.

would be nice to have an option to specify cover image set by


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Pierce1979 commented 11 years ago

ok, this is irrelevant i guess. my images just tidied and show correctly after a close and reopen of rhythmbox lol


asermax commented 11 years ago

This probably haves to do with how the plugin that manages the covers handles the images. When a image is first added, the original image would be used, whilst the next time, a cached image is used (which is probably modified somehow?). Idk if it's much of a problem, but we might look at this issue to see if there's an easy workaround for this initial image ratio problem :F

Pierce1979 commented 11 years ago

if its easy fixed then do it? :)

and actually, on further thought, some people might want the option to have their library displaying with best-fit cropped images instead of the current "outfill" method ... but i'm happy with it as is

asermax commented 11 years ago

The problem is that, if the issue is within the plugin that retrieves the covers, it's not in our power to modify it's behavior; all we could do is open a bug on the rhythmbox's bug tracker. Anyway, we'll give it a look when we can and keep you posted!