fossfreedom / coverart-browser

Browse your cover-art albums in Rhythmbox v2.96 - 3.0+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem with various artists albums #175

Closed dlnsk closed 11 years ago

dlnsk commented 11 years ago

I have some number of various artists albums (like "Rolling Stone Magazine's 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time") and there are problem with coverart browser. In attached image you can look it. Coverart browser split one album on hundred parts by artist name, so I have 500 albums instead one. In this case I suggest don't use Artist field for splitting album (if album name is equal) instead of it we could use file's location. It allow us split big VA albums using different folders if we need.


fossfreedom commented 11 years ago

Hi - this looks remarkably similar to this issue -

Can you read through and try setting the album artist field as suggested?


I note you have a cyrillic alphabet ... any chance that you can help out translating the plugin into your native language?

dlnsk commented 11 years ago

Oh thanks! I didn't see it. But do I right understand this method rewrite ID3 tag (so it rewrite a file)?

Sorry for stupid question but can I select all songs (for example with different albums and artists) in one folder through Rhythmbox for applying method #174? I just have another problem - old album combining with remastered under one cover so all songs there duplicated...

fossfreedom commented 11 years ago

No - rhythmbox will never change the files themselves. What it does is read the ID3 tags and stores them in a database it holds. It is this database which you are modifying - not the music tracks.

The easiest way (probably) would be to click the magnifying glass in "search all fields" and choose "search albums". Then using the filter text "rolling stones" - this should leave you with the 500 covers.

click one of the covers to highlight. Press CTRL+A to highlight every cover - right click and choose properties

For the old album under one cover - click the album. Then open the tracks and covers pane. CTRL+click each of the rows for one album. Again right click just those highlighted track - change the album artist to something else. You should then see two covers

fossfreedom commented 11 years ago

@dlnsk - any feedback on this issue?

Also - can you help with the translation effort referred to above?

dlnsk commented 11 years ago

Thanks for answer, but you not well understood my question about selecting (sorry for my english). Is in Rhythmbox way for selecting tracks in directories (which part of filesystem)? Because this program let me filter songs by many parameters but I don't know how filter by location in filesystem (directory).

About translation - yes, of course!

fossfreedom commented 11 years ago

As far as I know - rhythmbox does not allow you to browse by directory names - it uses the ID3 tags in the tracks and you browse by those names.

Obviously this means you need to ensure your music collection is tagged correctly. However you can override these names in Rhythmbox by editing the track properties.

There is a location field for the tracks - so, yes in theory we could add a "filter" option or sort-by option by directory name. Not sure though if this would be useful to the larger community of rhythmbox users.

@asermax - any thoughts on this one?

dlnsk commented 11 years ago


No - rhythmbox will never change the files themselves. What it does is read the ID3 tags and stores them in a database it holds. It is this database which you are modifying - not the music tracks.

I checked this again and should say that Rhythmbox is rewrite files! Why I think so:

  1. I see very intensive IO operations when I change field "Album artist" on many files.
  2. My torrent client didn't found tracks after changing field.
  3. When I download original file and change field after it size of file was changed.
fossfreedom commented 11 years ago


ok - I'll check later what happens if the album-artist field is changed. I'll let you know if I can reproduce what you are seeing.

fossfreedom commented 11 years ago

@dlnsk - well I'm surprised - yes I can confirm, the tags for OGG files & MP3 tracks files themselves are indeed updated if you change the album-artist field. Seems rhythmbox is smarter than I remember.

Anyway - by changing this field, the covers in the plugin-view will change depending upon the tracks that have this field. This is the way the plugin is implemented and is eminently sensible IMHO since the whole purpose of the plugin is to browse your albums by - for example - the Album Artist.

dlnsk commented 11 years ago

In this case I can change field Album Artist by EasyTAG. Thanks!