fossfreedom / coverart-browser

Browse your cover-art albums in Rhythmbox v2.96 - 3.0+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Strange arrangement in the tracks and covers menu #219

Closed David-UPCT closed 11 years ago

David-UPCT commented 11 years ago

I use 64 bits arch, RB 3.0 and coverart-browser plugin 0.9.1 from the AUR. In my opinion, the order in the tracks menu is a little weird and there's no option to rearrangment. For example, in my machine the order in tracks and cover menu is:

title, track, album, genre, time and artist

instead of the (in my opinion more robust) artist-album default order:

track, title, genre, artist, album and time

I don't know if it's an issue or if it's by design, but the order you used in the image in seems perfect to me

fossfreedom commented 11 years ago

Yep - I can confirm this issue - strangely this has gone unnoticed since v0.8 - it was last working correctly in v0.7!

ok - note to self - the code is using a dict to hold the columns to display on the

Need to change this to an ordered dict. The dict order needs to be the same as v0.7 i.e.

self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.TRACK_NUMBER, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.TITLE, True)  # always shown
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.GENRE, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.ARTIST, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.ALBUM, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.DURATION, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.COMMENT, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.RATING, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.QUALITY, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.PLAY_COUNT, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.LAST_PLAYED, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.YEAR, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.FIRST_SEEN, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.LOCATION, False)
        self.append_column(RB.EntryViewColumn.BPM, False)
fossfreedom commented 11 years ago

Hi, this is now fixed in the master branch.