fossfreedom / coverart-browser

Browse your cover-art albums in Rhythmbox v2.96 - 3.0+
GNU General Public License v3.0
74 stars 19 forks source link

Not supported yet in PPA for Ubuntu 17.10 Artful? #397

Open kadamwhite opened 7 years ago

kadamwhite commented 7 years ago

This isn't formally an issue, but it looks like this is one of the few plugins which doesn't appear in apt after adding the PPA as described in the README. Is support for the latest Ubuntu coming?

Thank you very much for developing such an awesome and useful plugin, it makes Rhythmbox usable for me!

fossfreedom commented 7 years ago

Sorry - no. I haven't found the time to make coverart compatible with the latest rhythmbox changes. I'm still looking for an awesome collaborator to make this happen.

kadamwhite commented 7 years ago

:+1: can’t help myself I’m afraid, but thank you and good luck!