fossfreedom / coverart-browser

Browse your cover-art albums in Rhythmbox v2.96 - 3.0+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Idea: possible addition of an "album pane" #73

Closed fossfreedom closed 10 years ago

fossfreedom commented 12 years ago

from issue #24

Is there enough data to justify an additional pane?

Possible data

what else?

Maybe also have the above side by side with "current playing album"

jrbastien commented 12 years ago

Is it possible to make use of the empty space on the bottom left side of RB? Since 2.97, they moved the cover art to a smaller box in the controls bar. That would fill this area nicely.

@fossfreedom and @asermax, do you mind if I report a few issues a Idea for future design? If you prefer to filter them first, how can I email you directly?

asermax commented 12 years ago

@jrbastien that would be a nice idea to show the current playing album; we could use the space to show the cover and maybe use it as a shortcut to select that album on the cover view. I think it should be pretty straightforward to implement, we'll investigate that!

There is no need to pass through us if you want to report issues or present ideas, but you can do it if you feel more comfortable that way. You can find my email on my profile, it's basically the same username than here but at gmail d: The only thing I could ask you to do, is to try to separate the problems or ideas into the smallest "unit" as posible, since that helps us to organize our work better, keep track of what is implemented and what not and discuss each feature independently. As an example, your last comment, althought related with this issue, would probably be better into it's own issue, since it haves substance in itself. Optionaly, you can reference the issue or issues you think could be related with yours, using this syntax #number-of-issue; this adds a link to the issue referenced by that number. (hope I was clear, sometimes I feel my english is really bad xD).

I will create a new issue with your idea of using the space on the bottom left corner so we can discuss what could be it's use there, and keep discussing the extra album pane over here.

fossfreedom commented 12 years ago

just a comment - from working in issue #69 - I'm looking at adding discogs as a coverart provider.

A nice byproduct from this is a simple python class method to search by anything and obtain lots of details - e.g. search by the artist and there is a profile data item which gives lots of stuff about the artist. You can see all of their releases made and continue drilling down on those details.

Anyway - when I've got the discogs cover provider stuff working, I'll check the new code in. Maybe we can reuse this to implement this idea.

fossfreedom commented 11 years ago

Some notes for the future:

import discogs_client as discogs discogs.user_agent = 'CoverartBrowserSearch/0.8 +'

Query with artist/album s = discogs.Search('abba/abba greatest hits') s.results() first element should be of type Artist - if it is then it seems highly likely to have relevant images and detail for the album

If it isnt, scan through i.e. s.results()[x] until find artist. In this case, unlikely to be specific detail about artist & the album, more likely to be general info about the artist

images s.results()[0].data['images'][x]['uri']

list of urls s.results()[0].data['urls'][x]

artist also known as s.results()[0].data['namevariations'][x]

profile for artist s.results()[0].data['profile']

band members s.results()[0].data['members'][x]

list of groups the artist is a member of s.results()[0].data['groups'][x]

where x is an integer that you interate through until IterateError

fossfreedom commented 10 years ago

duplicate of #268