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a podcast in English where we talk all things Free and Open Source
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Topic: There are fewer women in open source than in the ICT sector overall #33

Closed bagder closed 1 year ago

bagder commented 1 year ago

This Eurpoean commission report


All surveys and research on open source contributors show that the percentage of women is far lower than men. In the most recent survey of the Linux Foundation, less than 7% of respondents were women, similarly in the yet unpublished study on the impact of open source for the European Commission; women represent around 5% of contributors to the Apache Software Foundation, 9% of the Linux kernel and 10% of OpenStack contributors; only around 9% of Github users. In a 2006 research report, it was found that only 1,5% of OSS contributors were women, compared to 28% in proprietary software.

Although it feels difficult for three white old western men to talk about this without just being a sad example of this exact thing. Needs a good guest or two.

bagder commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of #32