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Stored Emissions values: methane not recalculated for GWP20 #199

Open OpenOilUG opened 1 year ago

OpenOilUG commented 1 year ago

Methane (CH4) holds the same values in GWP20 calculations as in GWP100. But they should not, since the same amount of methane in each case is converted using different conversion rates.

Example: Williston, USA project_id = 124370

json file (attached) shows correct GWP100 values when matched against the results on the web page using GWP100: - Scope 1 (non-combustion) = 1.87 million tons which includes 399 KT co2e from methane.

On webpage, emissions correctly increase when GWP20 switch is used: they become 10.91 MT in total, of which 2.58 MT is Scope 1 (non-combustion). This is as a result of the methane being factored at the higher ratio.

But as attached json shows, the co2e number for ch4 remains the same in GWP20 as in GWP100.
