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Sparse Data description "what are emissions ranges" #79

Open RSchuwerk opened 2 years ago

RSchuwerk commented 2 years ago

Current pop out text reads as follows: "What are Ranges? Carbon emissions are largely based on projection rather than measurement, and different methodologies crate different estimates. GRFF is committed to incorporating the most widely used methodologies and comparing the results, so the margin of uncertainty can be assessed. Full details are in the GRFF's Static Emissions Model."

Replace with (minus bold, which is to show edits): "What are Ranges? Carbon emissions are largely based on projection rather than measurement, and different methodologies create different estimates. GRFF is committed to incorporating the most widely used methodologies and comparing the results, so the margin of uncertainty can be assessed. These projections are based on current year production data. Full details are in the GRFF's Static Emissions Model."