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Update and rationalise Country Production Data #84

Open OpenOilUG opened 2 years ago

OpenOilUG commented 2 years ago

Country_Data_211020.csv PLEASE INGEST WITH CARE I have updated with production figures from both BP and EIA. And then I have tried to close the gaps on the graphs by extending the projection series backwards. I have also adjusted down the various countries for which trend gave unrealistic figures in the long term (USA, Russia etc) simply by giving them peak production in the late 2020s and then a gradual turnaround into decline. This is tricky in several ways: 1) I had to remove projections with IDs where they were now overlapping with updated data by more than one year. 2) I created new rows for the extra projection years backwards without IDs 3) I tried to remove all false references to e6m3 production volumes which came from first year of gas projections in many cases and standardise on e9feet3.

OpenOilUG commented 2 years ago

country_data_point_2020update_211029.csv 2020 updates: BP production & reserves oil, gas and coal. OPEC: production oil and gas

JesperWe commented 2 years ago

The latest csv files has some unit issues. I have just checked DK and AU gas production, unit is file is e9m3, should be e6m3.

OpenOilUG commented 2 years ago

I believe OPEC (source ID 3) should be e6m3 and BP (source id 1) e9m3 for gas production. this is adjusted here. country_data_point_2020update_211104.csv