fossology / FOSSologyUI

Repository to hold the new UI framework for FOSSology built with React
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Creation of Manage-Group-Users Page #242

Open dushimsam opened 2 years ago

dushimsam commented 2 years ago


The page for managing the group users is currently not available in FOSSology UI.

Steps to be followed

I want to implement the UI of this page, following these steps.

  1. Review the Manage Group Users page by referring to the older UI.
  2. Defining the UI design of the targeted page.
  3. Implement the UI following the standards of coding style.
  4. Test the implementation.
  5. Raise PR for the new page.

Expected Result

The ManageGroupUsers UI page with enhanced features.

cc: @shaheemazmalmmd @GMishx