fosspill / FFXIV_Modding_Tool

FFXIV Modding Tool is the Cross-platform Commandline interface alternative for TexTools
GNU General Public License v3.0
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mac : mods freeze my game #265

Closed aeroplvne closed 2 years ago

aeroplvne commented 2 years ago

Hi, i'm trying to follow the steps to install FFMT Modding Tool on my mac, but when i arrived at the import one, it says that the command mpi is not found.

What did i do wrong ? Thanks a lot

fosspill commented 2 years ago

What does ./ffmt help show?

vvsRin commented 2 years ago

@aeroplvne are you importing a mod?

aeroplvne commented 2 years ago

@fosspill it says : zsh: permission denied: ./ffmt @vvsRin i never used one but i'd like to try, that's why i'm trying to install everything (for the first time)

vvsRin commented 2 years ago

@aeroplvne is this a problem with installing the tool? or just using the mods?

fosspill commented 2 years ago

Neither, I think

@aeroplvne you got to make sure you can execute the file. Mac may block that by default, so try to run chmod +x ffmt

aeroplvne commented 2 years ago

@fosspill @vvsRin okay everything is working ! i was putting the ">" in front of the text so it wasn't fully working ahah but now i have an other issue ! so in ffmt everything seems to work perfectly, even the mod installation. But when i run the game, the screen turns black and freeze (i see the mouse, it just freeze before loading). i tried to install the mod The Body 2.0 M. on my first installation, the game worked, i could log onto my character on ffxiv. it's when i removed the clothes (top) piece that it freeze (i assume it's cause it loads the mod, but doesn't fully work or something).

i tried many other things, like reseting the mod. didn't worked. i tried deleting him and installing Body 2.5 (this one, the game froze before even selecting a character). i was on catalina mac when trying, so i updated it to have Big Sur, but doesn't seem to work either

fosspill commented 2 years ago

I'm sadly unable to troubleshoot this issue as I do not have a mac license.

Regardless, there is a pinned issue regarding this:

There are multiple people that would very much appreciate help figuring that one out, but personally I don't know what else to do about this particular issue.

The main question for me would be: Can you run FFXIV through Wine, like we do on Linux? Would the same issue happen there?

Let's take this talk in the other issue, though.