fossunited / falcon

A service that execute code in any programming language in a sandboxed environment.
MIT License
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Support for running tests against some code #18

Closed anandology closed 2 years ago

anandology commented 2 years ago

One of the possible uses of Falcon would be to verify of the submitted code is correct by running tests against it.

One approach to make this possible is by enabling two different modes for each runtime exec and test. The exec would be the default option with the existing behavior. The test mode provides the output as JSON.


Exeucute come code:

$ curl https://falcon/runtimes/python -d 'print("helloworld")'

Test some code:

$ curl -F -F https://falcon/runtimes/python 
    "testcases": [
            "name": "test_square",
            "filename": "",
            "description": "Test square with simple input",
            "time_taken": 0.001,
            "status": "success"
            "name": "test_square_ng",
            "filename": "",
            "description": "Test square with negative numbers",
            "time_taken": 0.001,
            "status": "failure",
            "error_message": "NameError: name `doom` is not defined".
            "error_detail": "..."
    "stats": {
        "tests": 2,
        "success": 1
        "failure": 1,
        "time_taken": 0.01
    "status": "failure"
anandology commented 2 years ago

done. Implemented by adding multiple modes. The default mode is exec and the other mode is test.

The API is slightly different than proposed.

$ curl -H 'x-falcon-mode: test' -F -F http://localhost:8010/runtimes/python
 "testcases": [
   "filename": "",
   "name": "test_square",
   "time_taken": "0.001",
   "outcome": "passed"
 "stats": {
  "tests": "1",
  "passed": 1,
  "failed": 0,
  "time_taken": "0.049"