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[QUESTION] How to post May 2024 newsletter to blog #312

Closed rahulporuri closed 2 weeks ago

rahulporuri commented 2 weeks ago

Question or issue

The May 2024 newsletter was just published and we need to post it to the blog as well. But it's not clear at the moment how to post a new blogpost on the blog.

harshtandiya commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Rahul, Writing the steps below on how to for blogs

Steps for a FOSS United Team member to post a blog

Only a person with a System User Role with "Blogger" Role profile will be able to access the website desk and post a blog. System User role is given to only a handful of people, currently only limited to people in FOSSU team and active tech volunteers such as Hussain.

Steps to post a blog:

  1. Switch to desk You will find the "Switch to desk" button when you click on your profile photo in the website navbar. image Or you can directly visit

  2. Switch to Blog Workspace On accessing the desk, you should find a sidebar. Find the "Blog" section and click on it to get to the Blog Workspace image

  3. Create a Blog This workspace will provide you with shortcuts to create a blog, view all blogs and view published blogs. The work from here is straightforward. image

  4. Create Blog Form The form for Create a blog post looks something like this. We generally do not need to change anything, other than adding data of our own. The route is auto-generated AFAIK. And the blog can be published via the publish button AFTER it has been created.
    image If you do not find your name in the list of bloggers, by all means feel free to create a blogger instance of yourself by clicking on "Create a new blogger" as shown below. image Content Type can be either markdown, rich text or HTML which can be handy. image

harshtandiya commented 2 weeks ago

Closing this.

rahulporuri commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the documentation @harshtandiya . We'll try to move the information out of the GitHub issue comment and into something that can live longer e.g. a Google Doc or a Wiki page or something