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[FEATURE] Migrate Job board to the new website #313

Closed rahulporuri closed 5 days ago

rahulporuri commented 1 month ago

Feature description

The job board hasn't been migrated to the new website. We definitely want to maintain a job board so we should add it to the new website

Use case

As an ecosystem enabler, FOSS United should attempt to bridge FOSS developers to companies in need of people with FOSS skill sets. This need still exists and a FOSS jobs board solves the problem.

Alternatives considered

One of the problems with the earlier Jobs board was the lack of regular updates. We should consider alternative processes that can capture community submissions along with jobs submissions by the employers directly.

rahulporuri commented 3 weeks ago

@Mangeshrex are there any updates on this issue? I'm adding this issue to the Todo list for this month. We got two job postings on the Jobs channel on Telegram, which I would prefer having on the Jobs board instead of on Telegram.

Mangeshrex commented 1 week ago



Mangeshrex commented 5 days ago


Migrated the job board, and it is now available at Please report if you find any bugs

Closing this issue

rahulporuri commented 5 days ago

@Mangeshrex the job board looks good but it isn't accessible from, from what i can see. I don't know if we want to open a separate issue for this or if we should just fix that in this issue