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[BUG] Essential fixes list on the community events dashboard #334

Open RiyaMathew-11 opened 2 weeks ago

RiyaMathew-11 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Referenced from this discussion: #324

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 1 23 45 AM

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 1 44 48 AM

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 1 52 08 AM

(PS: Made it the needed way from desk later)

harshtandiya commented 2 weeks ago

The drop down for select members to add - potentially gives a list of all website users - this isnt a good practice, explore to see if this can be a data field and not a drop down The username/email can be entered - if the user exists, get's added else gives an error alert - User does not exist

We are not changing to this, as I don't see a problem with the current thing? There's anyway going to be a public page showing all the foss profiles in future, and hopefully a way to "Follow" or something of similar lines.

Cross-verify removal permissions - the volunteer seem to be able to remove lead (PS: could be because of my desk access)

A team member can remove anyone other than himself. Moreover, this feature may be too much unwanted complexity. Not changing this atm.

RiyaMathew-11 commented 2 weeks ago

I don't see a problem with the current thing? There's anyway going to be a public page showing all the foss profiles in future, and hopefully a way to "Follow" or something of similar lines

The concept of public profile listing and follow feature is different and has the potential to be a valuable feature.

We could ideate better on this I think. @rahulporuri please share your thoughts too?

RiyaMathew-11 commented 2 weeks ago

A team member can remove anyone other than himself.

I am thinking slightly different here - the lead should be having the entire admin access. The workflow IMO should be other way around.