fossunited / monschool-website

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Verify the configuration of each course before deploy #12

Open anandology opened 3 years ago

anandology commented 3 years ago

Every course has a course.yml file and markdown file for each lesson has yaml frontmatter. If there is any error in these files, the deploy fails. We want to verify this on every PR and fail.


The verification process will be triggered by running the lint command. It should test for each possible error, report all errors and fail with non-zero exit code if any issue is found.

$ python lint


anandology commented 3 years ago

It may be a good idea to this using pytest. There could be a test_website directory with all the tests.

anandology commented 3 years ago

Tried writing test cases. It feels like having a linter a good idea and it'll allow us to test the linter as well.