fougue / mayo

3D CAD viewer and converter based on Qt + OpenCascade
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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info request where to find the current loaded drawing information. #27

Closed grotius-cnc closed 3 years ago

grotius-cnc commented 3 years ago


Excellent program !! I am able to compile it on linux debian buster through changing some include paths.

Trough the code complexity i can't really find how to retrieve positions of current loaded drawing parts. In my case a 6 axis robot in step file format. I would suspect some data array's, structs, or vector array's somewhere. But i am unable to find them.

I want to be able to rotate the parts, and translate them. It sounds quite easy. I can make buttons and sliders already in the program side tab. The slot and signals don't work, but i can connect them manually, no problem.

Just imagine your program working as RoKiSim, this is a basic robot simulator, but then connected to real hardware by the hal layer of Ethercat RTos. See my reprository. It can also be connected to linuxcnc.

Is it possible to write some tiny header file for me that can be used for this job? A few lines of code that are pointing out how to get the info out of the drawing would be perfect !

HuguesDelorme commented 3 years ago

Hello Grotius,

Interesting !

Mayo uses OpenCascade's XCAFPrs_AISObject to display the STEP assembly tree. For each "entity" an AIS_InteractiveObject is created. An "entity" being considered as a root tree node (ie TDF_Label) in the document container(see file src/base/document.h). Technically for a STEP assembly tree the "entities" are the "top-level free shapes" as obtained with XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetFreeShapes(). So Mayo will create an XCAFPrs_AISObject for each "entity" of your STEP assembly tree (maybe there is just one root it depends how the assembly was created from the originating CAD software) see the function GraphicsShapeEntityDriver::createEntity(const TDF_Label&) which creates the 3D graphics mapping from an entity.

For your requirement, I see two solutions :

Second solution is easier as you don't have to tweak Mayo's internals but you need to edit and adapt the STEP file (maybe with the help of FreeCad ?)

You can retrieve the 3D graphics associated to an "entity" with GuiDocument::findGraphicsEntity() and passing the assembly treenode identifier as argument. That functions returns a GraphicsEntity object containing the abstract AIS_InteractiveObject mapped to the entity. Call then AIS_InteractiveObject::SetLocalTransformation() in reaction of your button/slider signals to update the 3D placement of the affected robot segments.

Let me know how you deal this, thanks again for trying Mayo !

HuguesDelorme commented 3 years ago

By the way feel free to do a pull request for your include paths fix so it can be merged in Mayo develop branch. Thanks !

grotius-cnc commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your fast reply !

I will document the install steps and report back. Have some problems now after installing another occ lib from source. Have to do a clean os install for this and then install the occ libs by $ sudo apt-get install liboce-*

If i used an older debian version, like version 9, i could made the appimage for you. But for now that is not supported.

We go for solution 2, with the help of freecad.

I have to study all your named suggestions. To get more experence with occ functions, i also play with

Mayo looks so professional. Wow !

grotius-cnc commented 3 years ago

Hi, this message is for your info. In this message I report my install steps from a fresh os and qt install :

  1. git clone

  2. install opencascade library with $ sudo apt-get install ..

libocct-data-exchange-7.3 libocct-data-exchange-dev libocct-doc libocct-draw-7.3 libocct-draw-dev libocct-foundation-7.3 libocct-foundation-dev libocct-modeling-algorithms-7.3 libocct-modeling-algorithms-dev libocct-modeling-data-7.3 libocct-modeling-data-dev libocct-ocaf-7.3 libocct-ocaf-dev libocct-visualization-7.3 libocct-visualization-dev occt-draw occt-misc

Comment about install library.

If you install the libs at once by $ sudo apt-get install liboce-*
you will end up with 100+ errors.
It will install files in : /usr/share/occ/

In the way above, by separate install, it will install in /usr/shar/opencascade/
And the correct include path in /usr/include.. instead of /usr/share/..
  1. Add include path for opencascade library in file

In file line 45

  1. To solve :

file : io_occ_vrml.ccp, error : no member named 'ConvertDocument' in 'VrmlData_ShapeConvert' line 58 commented out =>> //>SetCappingColor(fnGetCappingColor(data));

file : widget_clip_planes.cpp, error : No member named "SetCappingColor" line 70 commented out. ==> //>SetCappingColor(fnGetCappingColor(data));

file : Widget_clip_planes.cpp error : Too many arguments, have 3, takes only 1. line 255, changed

from : imageCapping->Load(fileContentsData, fileContents.size(), filenameUtf8.constData())
==> to : imageCapping->Load(fileContents.size());
  1. Mayo run's message : "opencascade.conf" doesn't exist or is not readable

When the drawing is loaded and you click with left mouse on the part the program terminates. This is something i can't explains at the moment. It has problably to do with my modifications.

HuguesDelorme commented 3 years ago

Thanks for these infos, actually the build is currently broken for OpenCascade 7.3.0 with the recent changes I committed. I will fix that asap and let you know when it's done !

HuguesDelorme commented 3 years ago
  1. OK

  2. OK Notice that Mayo will certainly not work with OCE(OpenCascade Community Edition) Minimal supported version is OpenCascade 7.3.0

  3. Instead of editing you can call qmake from the command line(or in QtCreator) like this : $> qmake CASCADE_INC_DIR=/usr/include/opencascade Have a look at the "build instructions" in the Mayo's README page

  4. The compilation errors you reported should be solved with the last changes committed in the the develop branch(see commit 15955c9dca7ea3c9026076f84acf86257eda536c) Please try with HEAD version of the develop branch and let me know about any problem

  5. You can safely ignore this message

grotius-cnc commented 3 years ago

Hi, Oke i have perfect news. It works without problems now.

grotius-cnc commented 3 years ago

I solved it. It took quite a while to find out how. If i do a fresh git clone from my git mayo channel, it compiles and run without any problem !! Perfect. Also the mouse error is gone. So now it's certainly oke.

I have modified the .pro file at the end a little bit. Take a look :

Oke the robot is seperated into parts with freecad. So now we are ready to start with the difficult part. Thanks a lot ! Will update the process !

grotius-cnc commented 3 years ago

Hi Hugues,

I was able to rotate the kuka robot parts. I studied the opencascade code and examples for a while to get this going.

Here is the actual qt project in zip format, based on a lightweight program for testing : It has some buttons and a slider to test rotating.

There is a (big) problem with the speed of rotating. It's very slow. About every second a rotation matrix is done. Do you have any idea's to get this rotating speed, interacting as a unreal game engine?

Is it possible to purge the actual shape into a lightweight 3d face to increase speed? I have no idea at the moment.. Maybe you have some idea's that i can investegate?

Thanks a lot !!

HuguesDelorme commented 3 years ago

Rotation is slow because each time you transform the BRep shape itself and call AIS_Shape::SetShape() which will recreate complete 3D presentations. Instead of applying a transformation to the BRep shape itself apply it instead to the AIS_Shape object with AIS_Shape::SetLocalTransformation()

grotius-cnc commented 3 years ago

Hi Hugues,

Yes, that worked !! Many thanks for the tip, you are awesome !!

The robot rotation is super fast now !! This is perfect. 'One small step for you, one giant step for me'

Working code for info :

Variables : _TopoDS_Shape aShape; Handle(AISShape) displayShape;

Load the drawing code : _STEPControl_Reader aReader; aReader.ReadFile("robot_in_parts.step"); std::cout << aReader.TransferRoots() << " roots transferred." << std::endl; aShape = aReader.OneShape(); displayShape = new AIS_Shape(aShape); mcontext->Display(displayShape,0);

The slider code : _gp_Trsf myTrsf; myTrsf.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp_Dir(0,1,0)),value * M_PI /180); displayShape->SetLocalTransformation(myTrsf); m_context->Display (displayShape, Standard_False); mcontext->CurrentViewer()->Redraw();

mes condoléances pour les pertes, nous continuerons de lutter pour la liberté d'expression!

HuguesDelorme commented 3 years ago

Good news you could achieve what you want. If you're happy then please give a star :1st_place_medal: to Mayo !