fougue / mayo

3D CAD viewer and converter based on Qt + OpenCascade
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
1.29k stars 257 forks source link

Compile error #31

Closed VictorLamoine closed 3 years ago

VictorLamoine commented 3 years ago
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal
$ g++ --version
g++ (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0

opencascade-7.4.0 compiled + installed from source

mkdir -p $HOME/software/mayo/build
cd $HOME/software/mayo/
git clone src
cd build
export CSF_OCCTIncludePath=/usr/local/include/opencascade/
export CSF_OCCTLibPath=/usr/local/lib/
qmake ../src
make -j4
$ git status 
Sur la branche develop
Votre branche est à jour avec 'origin/develop'.

rien à valider, la copie de travail est propre

Compile error:

$ make -j12
g++ -c -pipe -std=c++17 -O2 -std=gnu++1z -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DHAVE_FSTREAM -DHAVE_IOSTREAM -DHAVE_IOMANIP -DHAVE_LIMITS_H -DOCCT_HANDLE_NOCAST -DLIN -DLININTEL -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -D_OCC64 -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I../src -I. -Isrc/app -I../src/src/app -I../src/src/3rdparty -isystem /usr/local/include/opencascade -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5 -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtWidgets -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtGui -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore -I. -I. -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/linux-g++ -o io_occ_step.o ../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:66:50: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   66 |              "`life_cycle_stage` set to `design`") },
      |                                                  ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:69:52: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   69 |              "`life_cycle_stage` set to `analysis`") },
      |                                                    ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:70:82: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   70 |         { int(ProductContext::Both), textId("Both"), tr("Translates all products") }
      |                                                                                  ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:71:5: error: could not convert ‘{{((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ProductContext::Design), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ProductContext::Analysis), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ProductContext::Both), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}}’ from ‘<brace-enclosed initializer list>’ to ‘const Mayo::Enumeration’
   71 |     };
      |     ^
      |     |
      |     <brace-enclosed initializer list>
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:76:41: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   76 |              "(not with sub-assemblies)") },
      |                                         ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:80:79: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   80 |              "applications requiring specialized processing of assembly parts") },
      |                                                                               ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:84:71: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   84 |              "with specific product, as a complement to assembly mode") },
      |                                                                       ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:88:65: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   88 |              "all of them are read and put in a single compound") }
      |                                                                 ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:89:5: error: could not convert ‘{{((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::AssemblyLevel::Assembly), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::AssemblyLevel::Structure), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::AssemblyLevel::Shape), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::AssemblyLevel::All), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}}’ from ‘<brace-enclosed initializer list>’ to ‘const Mayo::Enumeration’
   89 |     };
      |     ^
      |     |
      |     <brace-enclosed initializer list>
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:93:59: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   93 |           tr("Prefer `ADVANCED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION`") },
      |                                                           ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:95:62: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   95 |           tr("Prefer `MANIFOLD_SURFACE_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION`") },
      |                                                              ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:97:75: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
      |                                                                           ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:99:59: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
   99 |           tr("Prefer `FACETTED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION`") },
      |                                                           ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:101:66: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
  101 |           tr("Prefer `EDGE_BASED_WIREFRAME_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION`") },
      |                                                                  ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:103:77: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
      |                                                                             ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:105:81: error: call to ‘static QString Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::tr(const char*, const char*, int)’ uses the default argument for parameter 2, which is not yet defined
  105 |           tr("Translate all representations (if more than one, put in compound)") },
      |                                                                                 ^
../src/src/base/io_occ_step.cpp:106:5: error: could not convert ‘{{((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ShapeRepresentation::AdvancedBRep), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ShapeRepresentation::ManifoldSurface), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ShapeRepresentation::GeometricallyBoundedSurface), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ShapeRepresentation::FacettedBRep), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ShapeRepresentation::EdgeBasedWireframe), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ShapeRepresentation::GeometricallyBoundedWireframe), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}, {((int)Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::ShapeRepresentation::All), Mayo::IO::OccStepReader::Properties::textId(const char*)(), <expression error>}}’ from ‘<brace-enclosed initializer list>’ to ‘const Mayo::Enumeration’
  106 |     };
      |     ^
      |     |
      |     <brace-enclosed initializer list>
make: *** [Makefile:1697 : io_occ_step.o] Erreur 1
VictorLamoine commented 3 years ago

Just realized that there is a master branch that compiles fine :+1:

HuguesDelorme commented 3 years ago

Hello Victor,

Thanks for reporting these GCC compilation errors. I fixed them and pushed the changes in the develop branch(see commit 5ade7212574529987f016dbd0244599508cc545b) Please try again on your side and let me know if it's also OK with your build environment, so I can close this issue.

Note: there's already CI for Windows/VisualStudio2017 but CI for Linux/GCC would be also nice to have ...

VictorLamoine commented 3 years ago

Compiles fine now!

I know 2 options: