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conflict with compass typography: % vs px #1932

Closed thomasritz closed 11 years ago

thomasritz commented 11 years ago

upgraded from 4.0.5 to 4.0.8.

Syntax error: Incompatible units: '%' and 'px'.
on line 36 of .../gems/compass-0.12.2/frameworks/compass/stylesheets/compass/typography/_vertical_rhythm.scss
from line 4 of .../gems/compass-0.12.2/frameworks/compass/stylesheets/compass/_typography.scss
from line 2 of .../gems/compass-0.12.2/frameworks/compass/stylesheets/_compass.scss
from line 3 of .../source/stylesheets/app.css.scss

The compass code in question seems to be

It seems that _foundation-global.scss introduced $base-font-size: 100% !default; which overrides compass' value of 16px.

It helps to either set the $base-line-height to anything with a % value or to define

$base-font-size: 16px;

prior to importing foundation/foundation-global or to import compass modules individually (and avoid the typography module).

What would you recommend for a working setup?

jacmoe commented 11 years ago

Something is wrong. Foundation 4 doesn't use compass at all. :)

edit Oh, I see what you mean: you are using the typography module from Compass, and Foundation conflicts with it. /edit

thomasritz commented 11 years ago

I'm using compass for convenience to use some mixins defined there. My issue report is by no means an accusation. Sometimes such problems as reported are just a mistake, sometimes incompatibilities are by design. I want to know what would be the correct way of handle this issue. Maybe this knowledge is also of some use to others.

jacmoe commented 11 years ago

I am planning on doing the same thing. So it's going to be useful to me. :) Sass could need some namespace functionality.

ncuesta commented 11 years ago

:+1: This worked for me by adding it before @importing compass.

Veraxus commented 11 years ago

Considering that Compass used to be a Foundation dependency, this should probably be fixed in Foundation by defining $base-line-height: 100%; in the Frameworks built-in default settings.

The easiest solution for now is to simply add $base-line-height: 100%; to your _settings.scss and set up your app.scss like so:

// Global Foundation Settings
@import "settings";

// Comment out this import if you are customizing you imports below
@import "foundation";

// Get compass mixins
@import "compass";

// Load our custom site styles
@import "mystuff";

So long as $base-line-height is defined as a percentage BEFORE compass is loaded, there are no problems.

richlove1 commented 11 years ago

Guys...I'm just kind of tagging on the end of this discussion.

With Foundation 3 I was using many compass mixins (but don't remember explicitly importing Compass), was Compass built in with Foundation 3 by default?

I see there are some issues with Compass mixins with Foundation 4. Is Foundation 4 designed to be used with out Compass or can we just import Compass as shown in the code below to access Compass mixins? I don't understand why Zurb didn't test compatibility with Compass?

Veraxus commented 11 years ago

@richlove1 According to the docs, Foundation 4 is designed to have fewer dependancies... which means Compass is no longer required for the SCSS version of the framework. It also means that there might be a few conflicts since F3 was explicitly built for use with Compass.

richlove1 commented 11 years ago

Great, thanks for the feedback, I think it would be better if it were made a bit clearer in the docs for people coming from Foundation 3 (unless I missed that bit)

I assume this means that you can still use Compass and Compass mixins with Foundation 4 if you'd like to?

Veraxus commented 11 years ago

@richlove1 Yeah, you can still use it. The issue in this thread is the only one I've come across... as far as Compass is concerned, anyway (although not Compass related: the Top Bar component is Trouble with a capital T).

richlove1 commented 11 years ago

:) OK.... I did import Compass successfully after applying the fix suggested in this thread..Thanks for the feedback

Devalchemist commented 10 years ago

Any word on whether or not this as been addressed by Foundation yet? This is killing me.