foundation / foundation-sites

The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.
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F6 Wishlist #4710

Closed vinayraghu closed 8 years ago

vinayraghu commented 10 years ago

Will add more Edit: Added accessibility

zslabs commented 10 years ago

I know that Foundation and Bootstrap are different beasts, and while I'm sure some will say, "just go with Bootstrap then since they have a SASS port), I think there's some small gains/changes that Foundation could get some inspiration from Bootstrap:

I'm more than happy to create a PR for tables, some style updates for dropdowns and general spacing adjustments, but want to gauge the communities interest in bringing over those. Thanks!

prembo commented 10 years ago

Clearing improvements previously listed in #4771:

LDigital84 commented 10 years ago

+1 for a Foundation version of Affix.

@zslabs - +1 for both the table styles and dropdown styles. Especially the tables. I like the fact that bootstrap has all of those available options.

ghost commented 10 years ago
  1. Responsive Typography (also margins, paddings…) as discussed here #4633
  2. Flexbox Grid - I've noticed that you already have flexbox branch and I think that the situation with browsers support is finally ready for this move. I don't know what your plans about IE9 support are, but without IE9 you even might not need any fallback. Also it would enable to merge grid and block grid into one.
  3. Media Queries Ranges - Rethink default media query ranges. Having a breakpoint at about 480px is often desirable (having 1 column up to 640px as it is now often looks bad). What about something like this as a starting point for discussion:
$small-range: (0, 480px);
$medium-range: (481px, 767px);
$large-range: (768px, 1023px);
$xlarge-range: (1024px, 1279px);
$xxlarge-range: (1280px);
  1. Plugin Directory - It is often said that the biggest advantage of Bootstrap over Foundation is availability of plugins, especially for admin areas (datepicker etc.). Having plugins directory on Foundation website would help with this. Maybe something similar like has. Also as Foundation is getting bigger and bigger it might worth considering to have some less used components as separate plugins.
vinayraghu commented 10 years ago

+1 for affix. Would also like to add typeahead / autocomplete / dropdowns with search but I think this is better as a separate plugin that's not part of core. Would be a great choice for the plugin directory. +1 for a smaller media query range I would like to support multiple columns at those widths instead of stacking. +1 Plugin directory - Would be awesome if we have some official plugins from zurb which will graduate into core.

joshuajabbour commented 10 years ago

I'd prefer less plugins in "core", and that more of them were built in a modular fashion. Many of the Foundation JS plugins are great, and I'd love an easier way to use them in other projects...

vinayraghu commented 10 years ago

I agree with this approach. The reason a lot of cool functionality is not being added right now is because it bloats the core. The aim is simplify and reduce the bloat. Having a modular approach allows the core to be tight and neat. Every additional plugin is available. If the user adds too many and the code's bloated that's their responsibility.

Core ships with most minimal features. More important, a lot of new plugins can be released out as addons, which can be dragged and dropped into the project. Totally love the idea!

LDigital84 commented 10 years ago

+1 for modular plugins!!!

WhatsNewSaes commented 10 years ago

I totally agree on the Media Queries Ranges. I find myself changing the default to something similar that @kevinwake mentioned.

hashanp commented 10 years ago
  1. Flexbox Grid with CSS Grid Module future-proofing
  2. Segmented Buttons
  3. Use the role and WAI-ARIA attributes - for example alerts could be defined with <div role="alert">, tabs could use <ul role="tablist" aria-controls="tab1"> and <div id="tab1">, and buttons could be defined with <a role="button"> rather than <a class="button">
  4. Rethink button sizes - they are essentially a relationship between padding and font-size, so they should be defined like:
$button-small: (10em, 5em);

button {
   @include button-size($button-small);
  1. Mobile lists - like table views in iOS, see (
shadowhand commented 10 years ago

Biggest problem with Foundation for our application is that we cannot do this:


and then later do

$('.some-page').append('<a data-dropdown ...');

and have it work properly. Currently, in order for the injected elements to be seen by Foundation, we have to call:


which is totally unacceptable when working with a large Backbone/Marionette application where views are being injected asynchronously on a regular basis. If every component bound only clicks, regardless of whether or not any corresponding element exists, it would be possible to have a single call and have very dynamic pages.

And we would really appreciated AMD support. :)

techdragon commented 10 years ago

@zslabs - more SASS projects need to get behind LibSASS not less. Foundation moving to only need the libsass feature set was a big improvement! With libsass I can use the native uncompiled foundation scss into any asset build pipeline quickly, easily, and in a way that makes my life easy and lets me use foundation better and more powerfully regardless of the language or framework I'm developing with.

@rvinay88 - please use caution with the SASS 3.3 features, libsass is a big reason why I'm using SASS at all and until libsass supports the features, i really don't care if foundation doesn't have them, if Zurb deem those features important, I'd encourage them to contribute to libsass to get them instead of switching to ruby sass.

hashanp commented 10 years ago

@shadowhand - what about:

$('.some-page').append('<a data-dropdown ...').foundation('reflow');

Is that acceptable syntax? Personally I think given people are floating ideas of modular plugins, Backbone or something similar would be a perfect way to define JavaScript plugins. There could be a foundation subclass of Backbone.View (which I really think should be called Backbone.Controller anyway, where the template is the view) which automatically calls .foundation('reflow') on this.$el after render.

@techdragon - I think that rather than creating a whole new plugin directory because there are already some many around, we should use an already existing plugin directory and just declare that all plugins prefixed with foundation- are plugins, or if we use the npm registry we could have all modules which have the keyword foundationplugin as well. It's exactly what projects like grunt and gulp do. As a node developer I prefer npm to bower, because it gives a one shop experience.

Finally can I suggest that plugins can be added to HTML pages with having to add both a css & js file, and instead just one file. Surely there could be a grunt or perhaps gulp plugin that wraps css with a javascript file, that results in a new javascript file which adds the css to the head and then runs the original javascript.

shadowhand commented 10 years ago

@HashanP I just don't see the point of needing "reflow" at all. Foundation 6 should be built without it or it should not automagically bind itself globally and should require calls to $(elem).foundation({dropdown:true}) to register an element. It just seems like a huge waste of cycles to constantly be using reflow in every single view change.

hashanp commented 10 years ago

@shadowhand I think I've got an idea which would work. Rather than foundation.js binding event handlers to individual elements, why can't it use event delegation so ONE event handler is added on document which captures events through event bubbling. For example foundation.js could do:

$(document).delegate("click a[data-dropdown]", function(e) {
     // Show dropdown

Thus there would mean there would be no need to call reflow at all, for all new elements would be covered under the existing event handler.

shadowhand commented 10 years ago

@HashanP yes that's exactly what I suggested:

If every component bound only clicks, regardless of whether or not any corresponding element exists, it would be possible to have a single call

The problem is that you cannot bind some events, such as mouseover, because it will fire continuously when the user is moving the cursor when bound to document. Foundation would have to find a way to address non-click events.

hashanp commented 10 years ago

Well now I feel like an idiot. What about using MutationObserver to listen to new nodes attached to the DOM. I know MutationObserver is only supported in DOM4 (that's IE11), but you can polyfill it with DOM3 Mutation Events (IE9), which is less efficient & now deprecated. I believe it is what the polymer project uses.

techdragon commented 10 years ago

@HashanP - I wouldnt really say there are many foundation plugins... If there are... their developers are very very bad at describing them, because I cant find more than perhaps a dozen plugins that are foundation native and not just theme agnostic jquery plugins... of which there are figuratively hundreds. So when it comes to 'where to publish' foundation plugins, my vote is for making the location as close to zurb as possible, if your a foundation developer, then your going to come back to look at the docs from time to time, suggesting NPM or any other ephemeral language specific directory is going to make it less likely that the plugins will be surfaced. If you need inspiration look at - Yes python packages have pypi, yes they have, yes they have an incredibly easy to search syntax that makes them easy to search for directly on github, but picking plugins should be easy to do, and a site like that would make it very easy to decide which foundation plugin you needed.

hashanp commented 10 years ago

@techdragon I see your point, but firstly if there are so little packages I don't see the point of creating a whole new registry to accommodate them. I checked the website out - it's actually .com not .org - and I do like the idea (although not their implementation that much compared to NPM). I propose creating a more advanced version of, or, or, or, with more filtering options. What they do, and note slush has relatively few packages at time of writing, is they piggyback on NPM, and query NPM for packages with a certain keyword. I would be happy to create this, if the community would be happy publishing plugins on NPM with the foundationplugin keyword, using Also I think that some functionality presently in foundation should be split up into separate modular plugins, as well as the proposed affix plugin. Foundation themes such as should be included as well.

techdragon commented 10 years ago

@HashanP - fairly important point about why NPM may not be best. Where do non JavaScript plugins go? If I maintain a django plugin or a php module or anything other than JavaScript... Then NPM is a rather inappropriate place to store it. The nice upside of a new plugin listing is that it isn't necessarily tied to JavaScript which is why I suggested a tool like DjangoPackages, it doesn't mandate a particular package management tool chain and can act as a purely unificating force (users thinking "if it's for foundation it belongs in the index") as opposed to creating any more chances for valuable foundation resources to remain hidden (users thinking "well my plugin isn't JavaScript so I'm not going to package it for NPM, I'm sure if anyone wants it they can find it"). One other advantage of DjangoPackages is I don't have to be the maintainer to edit metadata or add a package I just found on GitHub, it makes the discovery, curation and new content on boarding process easier, leaving package management to the package owners discretion.

klangwiedergabe commented 10 years ago

A better off-canvas implementation for a more native app feel. Such as, fixed tapbar and fixed aside content(the offcanvas content is visible even if I'm at the bottom of the page) with a self scroll.

istrasoft commented 10 years ago

+1 for AMD support +1 for more plugins (pickers, smart selects

mazzech commented 10 years ago

mega menu, full screen image slider

thierryrene commented 10 years ago

Easy CSS transition animations, mote advanced grid options and more focus on media elements like pictures, videos and audio.

oliverklee commented 10 years ago

If the 6.0 release required Sass 3.3 (if I understand this correctly), can we also fix these deprecation warnings?

cmoralesweb commented 10 years ago


+1 to the WAI-ARIA stuff. By the way,

"and buttons could be defined with <a role="button">"

Isn't a link with a button role, essentially, a button? :tongue:

cautionbug commented 10 years ago

After going through some of the Javascript recently, i see some room for clean-up, stronger coding conventions, etc. It would be nice to see the next major version not only clean up a lot of redundant, bulky code as mentioned above, but some strong guidelines for contributors to follow. Even if contributors might disagree with particular style guide details, at least they'd be expected to follow them for pull requests to be approved. It could also make the code run faster, and reduce bugs introduced by unclear code.

Also, Foundation-managed Date/Time-Picker widget. i know there are a couple out there, but it's not as good as having such a fundamental widget included in the main framework, for compatibility and continuity. :smile:

klangwiedergabe commented 10 years ago


chrisjlee commented 10 years ago
hashanp commented 10 years ago

@chrisjlee #4212

vinayraghu commented 10 years ago

+1 for web components. @zurbrandon, @thedeerchild Is this something you guys are looking into? I'd love to pitch in if that's the case

cvrebert commented 10 years ago

For Affix, you might consider using

zurbrandon commented 10 years ago

Woah Hey Guys! Lot's of good stuff here, i'll be going over this today and hopefully addressing it all for the future of Foundation.

To clarify, Foundation "6" will consist of Foundation for Emails, Foundation for Sites, and Foundation for Apps. The first release of which will be Foundation for apps, in which we'll be flipping a lot of Foundation stuff on it's head.

Love that everyone is so excited and i can't wait to have all these brains working towards the most advanced framework yet.

klangwiedergabe commented 10 years ago

You guys are awesome :)

istrasoft commented 10 years ago

Regarding Foundation for Apps, given the size of Angular, don't you feel the lightweight and sleek side of Foundation is gone and it's becoming a behemoth with huge dependencies etc ?

zurbrandon commented 10 years ago

@istrasoft Last i looked Jquery was like 80KB minified and Angular like 35KB, but i may be misremembering. Apps are most likely going to be larger by default and thats why we've decided to keep Apps and Sites as separate things. When you need the power of an App Foundation for Apps and when you need a Marketing site Foundation for Sites.

We're going to attempt to do to Angular what we did for CSS and Components. Give you the base (Foundation) of what you need and then let you build from that.

istrasoft commented 10 years ago

Okay, amazing ! Thanks :) I know it's only 35Kb but it also forces a lot of quite verbose conventions for data binding which, added to the foundation html arguments can add a lot of overhead. anyway, i can't wait to see what you have in stock for all of us !

lozandier commented 10 years ago

Regarding web components and Modular JS

@chrisjlee Being familiar w/ web components (natively and through web component libraries such as Polymer), and ES6 modules—as well as tools such as browserify to make modular JS architectures a lot easier to realize—such things are being worked on for Foundation for Apps.

As you may be aware, future versions of Angular, Ember, and other popular frameworks will be re-engineered to work better with Web components and ES6—particularly accessing and leveraging the power of observers, the Shadow DOM, the template element and its model and bind properties; ES6 proxies, and other exciting features.

Accordingly, these things should allow Foundation for Apps to be more framework-agnostic than when it was originally announced.

When it comes to module JS, not much work has been done towards a particular architecture for the JS associated with Foundation for Apps yet (as far as I know).

That said, it has to be done in a modular way to meet the goals of the project I'd imagine, and the end users of the framework to make apps—developing JavaScript applications in a modular way is a common best practice by modern intermediate to advanced web developers today.

Regarding the Dialog element

@HashanP I myself have voiced support for the dialog element.

Towards the efforts of Foundation for Sites being more accessible, there are in fact plans to finally implement support for the dialog tag.

Chrome 37 and only the recent versions version of Firefox have native support for it as far as I know, but the polyfill is decent enough for it to be supported now, in my opinion.

That said, there's no reason for Foundation for Apps to not have support for it.

Reveal without the use of dialog is currently being planned to be compliant with WCAG standards, and it's not decided whether or not support for dialog will be implemented during the final stages of such changes or afterwards.

Being familiar with the basics of using dialog, considering the JS changes needed to be made (for example, reveal shouldn't allow other elements to be focusable when active except the address bar via esc), it's undecided whether support for it will be shipped within the next release or soon after the release that'll address accessibility woes of Foundation.

It may very well be an implementation separate from the core version of Reveal to be shipped faster.

Regarding Dependencies

@istrasoft With a modular design, such things shouldn't be a problem. Given the fact evergreen browsers are only supported with Foundation for Apps, a lot of weight that was often added to Foundation for Sites to support older browsers not ideal accounting for during the prototyping stage of a web application will be dropped.

chrisjlee commented 10 years ago

Oh one more. I would like to see Foundation 6 written in ES6. A nice to have.

lozandier commented 10 years ago

I want to as well and know how, but decisions regarding the JS architecture haven't even started.

Whether or not to support recently changed ES6 features such as the modules may limit how much of ES6 is implied to the codebase.

For now, I personally use CoffeeScript that can easily be translated to ES6 due to the explicit inspirations ES6 has with many of CoffeeScript's features/constructs:

Similarly, I think some sort of modularity system needs to be in place to keep things maintainable much more than Foundation 5; if not ES6 modules, then browserify at least, in my opinion.

On Tuesday, August 12, 2014, Chris J. Lee wrote:

Oh one more. I would like to see Foundation 6 written in ES6. A nice to have.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

davidagnome commented 10 years ago

Working implementation of Fix Top Navigation with Full-Body Off-Canvas Menu, both overlap and move method.

chris-canipe commented 9 years ago

It would be great to see more classes and less elements in the CSS ala

gakimball commented 9 years ago

For 6 we should look at our use of semantics in components. There are a lot of examples where we're misusing <section>, <label>, and especially <dl>. I don't know if total W3C validation is possible (it's also something ZURB once gave a somewhat controversial opinion on), but we should at least think harder when we think we want to use a tag other than <div> or <span>.

Harti commented 9 years ago

I understand that it would be possible for someone to actually program it and put it on GitHub as a third-party plugin, but I would really like to see something like a Combobox element implemented in F6:

In a nutshell, it's an autocomplete text input, but with predefined answers the user can (but doesn't have to) pick one from.

Thanks for considering!

rafibomb commented 9 years ago

@Harti It's something that if @danielfarrell sees this as valuable to make for Foundation we would help promote it.

rafibomb commented 9 years ago

Remove uber specific selectors.

rafibomb commented 9 years ago

Use HTML5 storage

Schyzophrenic commented 9 years ago

:+1: For not having to call a "reflow" whenever we add new elements to the DOM.

I have recently migrated a rather large full ajax website from bootstrap to Foundation and this was the biggest problem I had. It means I had to modify the way the site works in order to include Foundation whereas I was just expecting css / html and a few different JS calls at some point.

r3wt commented 9 years ago

I cannot stand the markup for accordions. i hated it so much that i just made my own instead and omit f5's accordion in projects.

I think the dt should be used as an anchor and the dd being used as a panel.


r3wt commented 9 years ago

also, equalizer is severely limited in that you can only put data-equalizer-watch on a direct descendant of the parent element with the data-equalizer attribute. a js plugin would be nice, but don't stop there. we should have a new data attribute or classes to dictate at which screen sizes the height match should occur. most elements tend to become small-12 after all for mobile, so the height match is probably not necessary at these screen size, and could create ugly excess whitespace. just my 2 cents.