foundation / foundation-sites

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safari flex bug fix #9805

Closed dbelieves closed 7 years ago

dbelieves commented 7 years ago

.row:after, .row:before {content: " ";} does not work for safari .row:after, .row:before {content: normal;} works

dbelieves commented 7 years ago

please incorporate them in new fixes. thanks.

drmzio commented 7 years ago

I had the exact same issue and it was because I was including both normal grid and flex grid within the styles.scss file. If you're using sass, try commenting out the normal grid, so that you're only using one or the other, not both.

"The standard grid and flex grid use some of the same classes, namely .row and .column, and don't play nice together. If you want to use both in the same project, we recommend using the Sass mixins for each grid, instead of the default CSS."

dbelieves commented 7 years ago

I am fetching both foundation and foundation-flex from cdnjs. so there is nothing i can do. i used the fix by overriding it.

IamManchanda commented 7 years ago

@dbelieves You should only fetch one file b/w these two

css/foundation.css css/foundation-flex.css

joeldavuk commented 7 years ago

I experienced this I am using Sass and have the following setup: //@include foundation-grid; @include foundation-flex-grid;

If the above is correct this problem is still in the latest version (6.3.0) @dbelieves fixes the issue

kball commented 7 years ago

@joeldavuk Can you show more of your scss setup and maybe upload the css you're generating? I've just dug through this again and am not seeing any obvious ways other than including both grids to run into this...

For more context, these after properties are being applied by the clearfix mixin, which is only applied to rows in the float grid, not in the flex grid

joeldavuk commented 7 years ago

Here's the scss and css output.

@import "fonts";
@import "settings";
@import 'motion-ui';
@import 'foundation';

//some global styles
body {
  overflow-x: hidden;
img,a,* {
  //Removes the focus ring around an element when a mouse input is detected.
  @include disable-mouse-outline;
body .reveal-fixed {
  top:50%!important; /* override inline style injected from JS */
  transform:translate(-50%, -50%);

//motion ui
@include motion-ui-transitions;
@include motion-ui-animations;

@include foundation-global-styles;
//@include foundation-grid;
@include foundation-flex-grid;
@include foundation-flex-classes;
@include foundation-typography;
@include foundation-forms;
@include foundation-button;
@include foundation-accordion;
@include foundation-accordion-menu;
//@include foundation-badge;
@include foundation-breadcrumbs;
@include foundation-button-group;
//@include foundation-callout;
//@include foundation-card;
@include foundation-close-button;
@include foundation-menu;
@include foundation-menu-icon;
@include foundation-drilldown-menu;
@include foundation-dropdown;
@include foundation-dropdown-menu;
@include foundation-responsive-embed;
//@include foundation-label;
@include foundation-media-object;
@include foundation-off-canvas;
@include foundation-orbit;
//@include foundation-pagination;
//@include foundation-progress-bar;
//@include foundation-slider;
//@include foundation-sticky;
@include foundation-reveal;
//@include foundation-switch;
@include foundation-table;
@include foundation-tabs;
//@include foundation-thumbnail;
//@include foundation-title-bar;
//@include foundation-tooltip;
@include foundation-top-bar;
@include foundation-visibility-classes;
@include foundation-float-classes;

//safari fix
.row:after, .row:before {content: normal;}

@import 'typography';
@import "utility/utility";
@import "components";

output css

body {
    overflow-x: hidden

[data-whatinput='mouse'] img, [data-whatinput='mouse'] a, [data-whatinput='mouse'] * {
    outline: 0

body .reveal-fixed {
    position: fixed;
    top: 50% !important;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%)

.slide-in-down.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: translateY(-100%);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    backface-visibility: hidden

.slide-in-down.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: translateY(0)

.slide-in-left.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: translateX(-100%);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    backface-visibility: hidden

.slide-in-left.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: translateX(0)

.slide-in-up.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: translateY(100%);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    backface-visibility: hidden

.slide-in-up.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: translateY(0)

.slide-in-right.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: translateX(100%);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    backface-visibility: hidden

.slide-in-right.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: translateX(0)

.slide-out-down.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: translateY(0);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    backface-visibility: hidden

.slide-out-down.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: translateY(100%)

.slide-out-right.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: translateX(0);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    backface-visibility: hidden

.slide-out-right.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: translateX(100%)

.slide-out-up.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: translateY(0);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    backface-visibility: hidden

.slide-out-up.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: translateY(-100%)

.slide-out-left.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: translateX(0);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    backface-visibility: hidden

.slide-out-left.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: translateX(-100%)

.fade-in.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    opacity: 0;
    transition-property: opacity

.fade-in.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    opacity: 1

.fade-out.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    opacity: 1;
    transition-property: opacity

.fade-out.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    opacity: 0

.hinge-in-from-top.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateX(-90deg);
    transform-origin: top;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.hinge-in-from-top.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    opacity: 1

.hinge-in-from-right.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateY(-90deg);
    transform-origin: right;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.hinge-in-from-right.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    opacity: 1

.hinge-in-from-bottom.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateX(90deg);
    transform-origin: bottom;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.hinge-in-from-bottom.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    opacity: 1

.hinge-in-from-left.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateY(90deg);
    transform-origin: left;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.hinge-in-from-left.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    opacity: 1

.hinge-in-from-middle-x.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateX(-90deg);
    transform-origin: center;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.hinge-in-from-middle-x.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    opacity: 1

.hinge-in-from-middle-y.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateY(-90deg);
    transform-origin: center;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.hinge-in-from-middle-y.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    opacity: 1

.hinge-out-from-top.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    transform-origin: top;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.hinge-out-from-top.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateX(-90deg);
    opacity: 0

.hinge-out-from-right.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    transform-origin: right;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.hinge-out-from-right.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateY(-90deg);
    opacity: 0

.hinge-out-from-bottom.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    transform-origin: bottom;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.hinge-out-from-bottom.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateX(90deg);
    opacity: 0

.hinge-out-from-left.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    transform-origin: left;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.hinge-out-from-left.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateY(90deg);
    opacity: 0

.hinge-out-from-middle-x.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    transform-origin: center;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.hinge-out-from-middle-x.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateX(-90deg);
    opacity: 0

.hinge-out-from-middle-y.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotate(0deg);
    transform-origin: center;
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.hinge-out-from-middle-y.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: perspective(2000px) rotateY(-90deg);
    opacity: 0

.scale-in-up.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: scale(.5);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.scale-in-up.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: scale(1);
    opacity: 1

.scale-in-down.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: scale(1.5);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.scale-in-down.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: scale(1);
    opacity: 1

.scale-out-up.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: scale(1);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.scale-out-up.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: scale(1.5);
    opacity: 0

.scale-out-down.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: scale(1);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.scale-out-down.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: scale(.5);
    opacity: 0

.spin-in.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: rotate(-.75turn);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.spin-in.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: rotate(0);
    opacity: 1

.spin-out.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: rotate(0);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.spin-out.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: rotate(.75turn);
    opacity: 0

.spin-in-ccw.mui-enter {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: rotate(.75turn);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 0

.spin-in-ccw.mui-enter.mui-enter-active {
    transform: rotate(0);
    opacity: 1

.spin-out-ccw.mui-leave {
    transition-duration: 500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transform: rotate(0);
    transition-property: transform, opacity;
    opacity: 1

.spin-out-ccw.mui-leave.mui-leave-active {
    transform: rotate(-.75turn);
    opacity: 0

.slow {
    transition-duration: 750ms !important

.fast {
    transition-duration: 250ms !important

.linear {
    transition-timing-function: linear !important

.ease {
    transition-timing-function: ease !important

.ease-in {
    transition-timing-function: ease-in !important

.ease-out {
    transition-timing-function: ease-out !important

.ease-in-out {
    transition-timing-function: ease-in-out !important

.bounce-in {
    transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.24, 1.245) !important

.bounce-out {
    transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.515, 0.845) !important

.bounce-in-out {
    transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.76, -0.245, 0.24, 1.245) !important

.short-delay {
    transition-delay: 300ms !important

.long-delay {
    transition-delay: 700ms !important

.shake {
    animation-name: shake-7

@keyframes shake-7 {
    0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% {
        transform: translateX(7%)
    5%, 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 95% {
        transform: translateX(-7%)

.spin-cw {
    animation-name: spin-cw-1turn

@keyframes spin-cw-1turn {
    0% {
        transform: rotate(-1turn)
    100% {
        transform: rotate(0)

.spin-ccw {
    animation-name: spin-cw-1turn

@keyframes spin-cw-1turn {
    0% {
        transform: rotate(0)
    100% {
        transform: rotate(1turn)

.wiggle {
    animation-name: wiggle-7deg

@keyframes wiggle-7deg {
    40%, 50%, 60% {
        transform: rotate(7deg)
    35%, 45%, 55%, 65% {
        transform: rotate(-7deg)
    0%, 30%, 70%, 100% {
        transform: rotate(0)

.shake, .spin-cw, .spin-ccw, .wiggle {
    animation-duration: 500ms

.infinite {
    animation-iteration-count: infinite

.slow {
    animation-duration: 750ms !important

.fast {
    animation-duration: 250ms !important

.linear {
    animation-timing-function: linear !important

.ease {
    animation-timing-function: ease !important

.ease-in {
    animation-timing-function: ease-in !important

.ease-out {
    animation-timing-function: ease-out !important

.ease-in-out {
    animation-timing-function: ease-in-out !important

.bounce-in {
    animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.24, 1.245) !important

.bounce-out {
    animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.515, 0.845) !important

.bounce-in-out {
    animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.76, -0.245, 0.24, 1.245) !important

.short-delay {
    animation-delay: 300ms !important

.long-delay {
    animation-delay: 700ms !important

/*! normalize-scss | MIT/GPLv2 License | */
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figure {
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hr {
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svg:not(:root) {
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progress {
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textarea {
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details {
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summary {
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template {
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img {
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textarea {
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select {
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.map_canvas img, .map_canvas embed, .map_canvas object, .mqa-display img, .mqa-display embed, .mqa-display object {
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button {
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[data-whatinput='mouse'] button {
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.is-visible {
    display: block !important

.is-hidden {
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.row {
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.row .row {
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@media print, screen and (min-width: 40em) {
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@media print, screen and (min-width: 62em) {
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.row.expanded {
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.row.collapse > .column, .row.collapse > .columns, .lt-ie10 .row.collapse > .columns {
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}, .row.collapse > .column > .row, .row.collapse > .columns > .row, .lt-ie10 .row.collapse > .columns > .row {
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@media print, screen and (min-width: 40em) {
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.column.row.row, .row.row.columns {
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.row .column.row.row, .row .row.row.columns {
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.flex-container {
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.flex-child-auto {
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.flex-child-grow {
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.flex-dir-row-reverse {
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.flex-dir-column {
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.flex-dir-column-reverse {
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.small-offset-0 {
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.small-2 {
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.small-offset-1 {
    margin-left: 8.33333%

.small-3 {
    flex: 0 0 25%;
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.small-offset-2 {
    margin-left: 16.66667%

.small-4 {
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.small-offset-3 {
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.small-5 {
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.small-offset-4 {
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.small-6 {
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.small-offset-5 {
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.small-7 {
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.small-offset-6 {
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.small-8 {
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.small-offset-7 {
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.small-offset-8 {
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.small-10 {
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.small-offset-9 {
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.small-11 {
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@media screen and (min-width: 0\0
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@media print, screen and (min-width: 62em) {
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@media screen and (max-width: 39.9375em) {
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[data-whatinput='mouse'] a {
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.mt-tempur .vjs-seeking .vjs-loading-spinner:before, .mt-tempur .vjs-seeking .vjs-loading-spinner:after, .mt-tempur .vjs-waiting .vjs-loading-spinner:before, .mt-tempur .vjs-waiting .vjs-loading-spinner:after {
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