foundation / inky

Convert a simple HTML syntax into tables compatible with Foundation for Emails.
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Fix build, get suite passing, Fix spacer component on Outlook and Windows Mail clients #106

Closed LilyReile closed 4 years ago

LilyReile commented 5 years ago

104 I've tested on Litmus and removing the unit fixes the spacer component on Windows clients and doesn't regress others.

marcandre commented 5 years ago

Looks good to me

LilyReile commented 5 years ago

Anything I can do to help this along? I see the latest commit is from 2017. We're willing to help maintain this project because it's very useful to us at Zaarly.

SampsonCrowley commented 5 years ago

seriously is this repo abandoned now?

marcandre commented 5 years ago

Hopefully there will be some activity soon...

SampsonCrowley commented 5 years ago

@marcandre @DylanReile I reached out to zurb directly and received this response:

Hi Sampson,

Thanks for reaching out! We're still using Foundation for Emails internally here. There are no plans for us to continue developing it. We are looking for community members to step up and essentially take it over.



On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 04:48 PM, "Sampson Crowley" * wrote:

Me and some of my fellow developers have put a LOT of time into implementing foundation for emails in our various projects. Both the FfE repo and the related Inky repo have failed to return ANY response to pull requests, issues or questions on if the repo is abandoned.

Please let us know if you are abandoning Foundation for Emails, so we can remove your code from our apps as necessary

marcandre commented 5 years ago

Right, I also contacted kball even though he's no longer there and was hoping to hear back today.

Not too sure what's best at this point, create a new org and move the repos there, or have Zurb provide access to the existing repos.

Note that I'm just trying to help but I am not using inky personally or through a client.

SampsonCrowley commented 5 years ago

It almost seems like we should pick a maintainer at this point, and just make their fork the new base. the claim from rafi they are "looking for community members" is almost laughable, as there have been plenty of offers here that haven't gotten a response

marcandre commented 5 years ago

Propose yourself :-)

SampsonCrowley commented 5 years ago

I did, they just got back to me, so at least getting somewhere

SampsonCrowley commented 5 years ago

Meeting w/ Zurb CEO tomorrow to discuss

LilyReile commented 5 years ago

@SampsonCrowley Any news?

SampsonCrowley commented 5 years ago

@DylanReile they just stopped responding completely. Apparently they just don't care enough about the users of this library. I'm tired of zurb being in control of this repo when they refuse to maintain it. I vote we fork it and consider someone else as the new base

rafibomb commented 4 years ago

I TOTALLY get the frustration. I still use Inky along with you all so I also want to see it live on.

ZURB can no longer maintain this project. It has been moved to a new Foundation organization separate from ZURB.

I'm pretty sure the Yetinauts, who are maintaining all of Foundation would be open to new contributors. I'll loop Joe Workman in to make a plan to open this up to new people.

joeworkman commented 4 years ago

I will get together with @rafibomb next week in order to get our ducks in a row so that we can get a release out.

AxelTheGerman commented 4 years ago

@joeworkman any news on this? I have looked around quite some time for something to make writing emails easier. This is the only thing that came up but I don't like investing in projects without any sort of activity and/or responsiveness

edit: looks like is still very much alive and kicking but inky apparently not

joeworkman commented 4 years ago

Man, time just flies when you are having fun (in the case of quarantine, not so much fun). I have yet to get an official release of Inky under my belt yet. I will see what I can do to learn what I can this week.

marcandre commented 4 years ago

Did you finally get push access?

joeworkman commented 4 years ago

I can push to this repo. I am awaiting access to publish to NPM and RubyGems now.

I am working on getting the dependencies updated. Hopefully by the time that is done, I will have the access.

joeworkman commented 4 years ago

Give today's release a shot.

joeworkman commented 4 years ago

I have not pushed it up to npm yet. still waiting on access, should be tomorrow.