foundation / panini

A super simple flat file generator.
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Possibility to use characters other than {{ ... }} #139

Closed sryze closed 6 years ago

sryze commented 6 years ago

Does Panini allow usage of something other than double curly braces for variables?

I'm in the process of converting a few dozens of email templates from raw HTML to Foundation for Emails and the templates are also pre-processed by an email service (SendWithUs) after they are built, and it happens to use the same {{ ... }} syntax for variables...

I was wondering if it's possible to switch to some other syntax and make Panini ignore expressions with double curly braces without wrapping everything in {{{{raw}}}} ... {{{{/raw}}}} (which is pretty ugly if you ask me).

sryze commented 6 years ago

Ignore me, using \{{ ... }} seems to work.

gakimball commented 6 years ago

Yep! You also can't change the delimiters in Handlebars, so \{{ ... }} will be your best bet.

charanjit-singh commented 3 years ago
