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Mockups - mentor journey #41

Open jsms90 opened 7 years ago

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

From wireframes to mockups

1. image 2. image 3. image

1. image 2. image 3. image 4. image 5. image

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

@nogainbar Firstly, it's absolutely beautiful!!!!! Don't know what we would do without you! The homepage is gorgeous, and I love the look of...all of it :heart_eyes_cat:

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

1. Create session page

I have very little to say about this. It's perfect. Love the background :wink:

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

2 & 3 Navbar

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

4 & 5 - chat vs AV&chat buttons

It feels slightly counter-intuitive to me that these buttons (that toggle between chat-only and av&chat views?) is on the left hand side, when the chat itself is on the right hand side. image

If a user clicks on the chat-only button, then I guess the chat window, currently on the right, would fill the screen instead? So clicking on a button on the left, moves the box on the right. It feels more natural to me to have a button on the top left hand side of the chat applet

Somewhere here: image ?

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

4 & 5. Size of video on the page (considering multiple chat windows)


If I had 10 separate chats, how would this get shown? Would there be a little scroll bar, going left & right? Feels a bit cramped.

Does the video need to be the majority of the screen for a mentor? I guess this comes down to whether it's more important, as a mentor, to see the other classroom (in the future this may be multiple classrooms) or being able to reply to my students' questions.

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

4 & 5. Participants tab in chat window


nogainbar commented 7 years ago

4 & 5 - chat vs AV&chat buttons

It feels slightly counter-intuitive to me that these buttons (that toggle between chat-only and av&chat views?) is on the left hand side, when the chat itself is on the right hand side.

I think the main navigation that switches between 'states' should be on the left but I agree with you as well so I think my solution would be one of these two:

Ill add the designs hopefully today and we can decide what works better. it would mean that you can both 'tab' the views from the lefthand nav as well as minimise/maximise the view from the elements themselves (chat/AV)

4 & 5. Size of video on the page (considering multiple chat windows)

If I had 10 separate chats, how would this get shown? Would there be a little scroll bar, going left & right? Feels a bit cramped.

I will have a think about it today but I imagine it would be some sort of horizontal scroll, perhaps hinted by a '>' icon.

Does the video need to be the majority of the screen for a mentor? I guess this comes down to whether it's more important, as a mentor, to see the other classroom (in the future this may be multiple classrooms) or being able to reply to my students' questions.

I think that with the minimise/maximise function of the chat (which is basically a kind of drawer going in and out of the right view), the tutor can choose whether they want to have a view of the classroom or chat.. does that answers the question?

4 & 5. Participants tab in chat window

I'm not sure what "add participant" button would do, in our situation? To add a new participant, they have to be given the URL

Good point. but maybe by 'adding participant' they can send them an email with the info of the session? (not sure, most probably a very long stretch goal)

The mentor should be able how many moderators and students are in the room at any one time, even though specifically who that is can be hidden in a tab.

Absolutely, not a problem to add a little bracket with numbers i.e for example - participants(2/12) is that what you mean?