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Mockups - student/moderator journey #42

Open jsms90 opened 7 years ago

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

So @nogainbar , based on your designs, @njsfield and I now understand the flow of a student (becoming a moderator) to be:

1. Join room (similar to the create room page that you've already designed - just with one field)


2. Chat-only view


This will actually look like:
(sorry for the terrible red line drawing)

but with the tab on the left being the default one i.e. chat-only view being the first thing a student sees

3. Switching to moderator

Clicking on the video button: connecting2

would bring up this modal: image

Entering the correct PIN brings up the same view that a mentor sees automatically - but this would need a button somewhere: av-chat

Once this button is clicked, the current window would turn into the chat-only view, and a new window would open with av-only: image

nogainbar commented 7 years ago

1. Join room (similar to the create room page that you've already designed - just with one field)

correct! :) will design it today hopefully.

2. Chat-only view

yup, thats right.

Once this button is clicked, the current window would turn into the chat-only view, and a new window would open with AV-only:

So my thinking was that what we could do and I wanted to talk to you about it, is that the moderator and the tutor basically share the same view. I am not sure about this two windows solution, its not a well defined design pattern. what I propose is that if, the moderator wants to join the chat then they can do one of two things:

  1. use the chat-tab to chat to the tutor and this would be screened to everyone in the room but maybe that is ok?

  2. open a new window in his browser and sign in as a student, which will then let him join the chat only view like all the other students. he can then just switch between windows in his browser.

how does that sound like a solution?

I think that in terms of the build, it would be simplier because really you are just building two application states:

  1. student view - chat only
  2. tutor/moderator view - chat + AV