foundersandcoders / how-am-I-doing

:thought_balloon: CYPIAPT mental health aid for RCADS data
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Abstracting out functions #37

Open sofer opened 8 years ago

sofer commented 8 years ago

For this project the client and the product owner are from two separate organisations. The product owner wants something that they can test with their service users. The client wants something that is open sources and can potentially be reused.

This is a great opportunity to think about abstracting out part of the application into separate reusable components. At it's simplest, this could mean creating a RESTful backend for serving and consuming JSON that is entirely separate from the frontend or it could mean creating components (frontend or backend) published as npm modules.

Do take a bit of time to think about this, talk to the other teams, and see if you can come up with a sensible approach.