foundersandcoders / london-outreach

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Meeting: Monday 6th March 4-6pm #3

Open jsms90 opened 7 years ago

jsms90 commented 7 years ago


  1. Define Community Outreach Committee Charter
  2. Assignment of urgent tasks:
jsms90 commented 7 years ago

History of the Community Outreach task group

All community outreach activities that have begun since FAC9's graduation can be found in the issues within this repo

ZooeyMiller commented 7 years ago

Community outreach comittee meeting march 6th

topics of meeting

  1. define comittee charter

    • Dan: wants to get to the point where kids in tower hamlets leave school and consider our course as viable option
    • increase diversity on the FAC program
    • jen: remit for community group in FAC9:
    • reahc out ot council to make network in tower hamlets to do workshops with schools
    • reach out to other coding groups (code for your future, coder dojo etc)
    • Sohil: important thing is getting people who don't already know about us to know about us. (so reaching out to other coding groups not necessarily relevant)
    • suggests local council a good place to start
    • the definition of the purpose, remit and future is on github as an issue named "Proposal: comittee charter"
    • emily: leave vote on the comittee proposal to next business/CoC meeting
    • jen/emily/dan: clarification of need for membership for votes in comittee meetings (membership is needed)
  2. Assignment of urgent tasks

    1. School workshops
    • Confirm suitability of the Spotlight Cafe

      • Emily offers to phone spotlight cafe, but suggests
      • Action point: Zooey and Yvonne to go to spotlight cafe during biz dev on 13th march #16
      • to make sure equipment is available for what we need
        • access to internet
        • text-editor
        • dan says no text editor needed? do it all on cloud?
        • make sure they have current version of chrome.
    • Confirm dates of workshops with Ed

      • view ot start on 27th but it is booked for the 20th as well.
      • Jen asks what's going on with the Easter holidays?
      • All schools have different easter holidays, Jen to sort with Ed Cox
      • Action point: Jen to confirm with Ed cox #14
    • Write workshops / prepare workshops based on previous ones foundersandcoders/london-programme#28

      • do we need to prepare workshops/what do we need for prep for the workshops with local schools
      • Dan clarifies he will help whoever chooses to do this.
      • suggestion from Jen and Emily that FAC10 take ownership of the curicullum
      • Zooey asked for clarification on relation of, Sohil communicates that it is essentially a linux computer in the cloud, so all is doable
      • sohil suggests gamification to aid engagement
      • Jen suggestion this needs ot be done by the 20th March
      • We're preparing 4 workshops, only have it pushed to 3 if we do not have needed dates
      • Zooey suggests first 3 sessions are main bulk of course, the 4th is an addendum so that if it's left out it's not the end of the world
      • Zooey asks for clarification on who is doingg this
      • action point: Zooey, Dan and Yvonne (anyone else welcome too) to hash out plan for curriculum at Spotlight cafe on the 13th during biz dev time #17
    • Finalise sign up google form - connect this to a spreadsheet. Dan - do we have protection?

      • Action point: Dan sorting (?) #5
    • Write letter to parents

      • use template from wapping high to write this
      • Action point: Jen to communicate with Ed and then write a letter to parents #18
    • Create flyers/posters

      • Sohil asked for clarification on what the flyers were for, Jen confirms they are for the council to show the scohols and to be handed out at schools.
      • Decided not to do this #19
    • Get update on progress of DBS checks from Stemnet (or from FAC10 themselves)

      • Zooey and Yvonne to get update from rest of cohort about where their DBS checks are at #20
    • Create doodle poll for FAC10 to divide themselves between the workshop dates (after dates are confirmed)

      • Action point: Yvonne to set up once dates are confirmed by Jen
    • Dan clarifies we shoudl get a cab to spotlight cafe on the 13th as the public transport htere is hellish

    1. CFE/CFW meetups

      • give relevant comittee members admin access to gitter channels

        • action point: Dan in process of doing right not
      • change descriptions on

        • Action point: Joey doing #21
      • Make sure fac10 have t-shirts

        • Action point: Sohil sorting, will do a quick stock check, then check sizes needed and do order #6
      • Get more keys

        • Action point: 5 keys being cut by Dan #7
      • Create a how to run our meetups advice sheet

        • Jen suggests anything that's made comes back to this comittee to be okayed before beign put in place
        • Action point: Piotr and Joey to create this #22
        • They will use Jen's github issues as guidance
      • Create spreadsheet for registering attendees

        • use google spreadsheets
        • sohil and emily are into the idea of an app
        • for now just a spreadsheet
        • Action point: piotr and joey to be added to the shared google forms folder and make a spreadsheet to be used for the meetups #11
      • set up automatic "thanks for coming email"

        • what email to use?
        • suggested is
        • Action point: Piotr and Joey need to be added as aliases on the community fac email #9
        • clarificatino that we are creating a form which sends info to the spreadsheet
        • action point: joey, piotr and emily to sit down this week to work out the realities of how to make the form/spreadsheet happen #10 #12
  3. AOB

    • Yvonne suggests removal of defunked CFE gitter channels.
      • Action point: Yvonne to have complete autonomy over this #23
  4. Next meeting

    • Thursday 6th April 18:30
ZooeyMiller commented 7 years ago

if they're not readable let me know and I'll change it up :sparkles:

yvonne-liu commented 7 years ago

@ZooeyMiller amazing, thanks! šŸ™Œ šŸ’– šŸ‘