foundersandcoders / london-social-media

London Marketing Committee discussions and decisions
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Renaming this repository london-social-media for use by the London task group #11

Open rebeccaradding opened 7 years ago

rebeccaradding commented 7 years ago

I suggest we rename this repository as london-social-media and use it to house draft posts for social media prepared by the London task group.

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

@rebeccaradding Will most of the social media efforts be campus-specific or need collaboration across campuses?

I'm wondering whether one repo (like selection-committee) might make communication easier?

rebeccaradding commented 7 years ago

@jsms90 I imagine most will be campus specific as our FB pages are for each campus.

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

How about just having a social-media label in london-programme like the other task groups?

This improves visibility for the wider alumni network and therefore enables better interaction and integration between students and the rest of FAC.

rebeccaradding commented 7 years ago

@jsms90 can I think about it? I hear what you're staying about labels and organisation of london-programme, but the social-media issues are more like emails to me (or any future point person), than they are open issues that other people should pay attention to. I wouldn't want them to be distracting.

Are you suggesting that for now, the other repositories (i.e. community outreach) remain open, but are used only when holding meetings, or that we catalogue what was there and close those repos, and use london-programme for all committee work?

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

I have suggested closing community-outreach. Partly because outreach issues often get raised in london-programme anyway, because those activities need visibility. Partly because the Committee has only ever met once. and there doesn't seem to be much point in having an extra repo unless there is an active committee attached.

I'm not sure whether it's as problematic if the social media task group's activities aren't seen by our alumni. But if nothing else, it means alumni are very unlikely to get involved and help. I'm just not sure if anyone is going to end up seeing london-outreach, london-social-media or london-marketing other than the task group themselves (and their point person).

(Besides that, there have been complaints about the fact that important decisions are being made in selection-committee and london-money, which alumni aren't aware of even happening. But I think that's more about broadcasting how to get involved in each committee than anything?)

There's prob no one size fits all with this. Just thought I'd raise the point anyway.

rebeccaradding commented 7 years ago

@jsms90 although the committee has only met once, there may well be reason to hold space for future activity as the task group raises issues and makes proposals relevant to a delegated decision making team (it's also been on my list to make public the names of people on committees by adding their names to public READMEs and/or other documentation, which still needs doing.

Organisationally speaking, if you think it makes sense to close london-community-outreach and london-marketing, I suggest preparing a proposal explaining what we would do with the issues currently there, and how the outreach committee could organise meeting agendas and/or proposals in the london-programme repo.

As for social-media, I'd prefer to keep this work outside of the programme repo (since it's mostly about taking photos and storing them in an organised fashion), but I'd be open to using instead, and adding labels for each campus. If this makes sense I'm happy to communicate it to task groups in both Nazareth and London.