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Membership management for Friends of Chichester Harbour
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Correspondence copy change #514

Open jay-meister opened 6 years ago

jay-meister commented 6 years ago

update copy:


Dear [Friend/name]

Your annual membership for the Friends of Chichester Harbour is due for renewal on [ insert date from database].

I very much hope that you will continue your membership in support of our voluntary activities around the harbour.  Your membership subscription is critical to the significant financial assistance we give to the Conservancy and other organisations around the harbour.  The grants we provide support projects and activities that otherwise just would not take place, and help to conserve, preserve and educate for the future.  As well as the considerable financial assistance we give, the Friends provide work parties, every week all year round, which take part in essential maintenance and repairs to the footpaths and nature reserves across the harbour.  If you would like more details about the grants we have provided, or the work parties we organise, please visit our website at 
If as part of your membership you would like to be more involved please let us know.

Your annual subscription is [£  ].00 and payment can be made by one of the following three methods:
Credit Card or PayPal online from your PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet. 
To do so, go to and click on Member Sign-In on the Home page. 

Direct bank transfer to Friends of Chichester Harbour, Account No: 87037440, 
Sort Code 52-41-20 quoting your membership number [xxxxx]

Sending a cheque, quoting your membership number [xxxxx] to Pam Marrs, 
Membership Secretary FOCH, 42 Bracklesham Road, Hayling Island PO11 9SJ

Please let us know if you have any problems by emailing me at, 
or by writing to me at the above address. 

Yours sincerely,

Pam Marrs

Pam Marrs
Membership Secretary


Dear [Friend/name]

Your annual membership for the Friends of Chichester Harbour is due for renewal on [ insert date from database]
I very much hope that you will continue your membership in support of our voluntary activities around the harbour.  Your membership subscription is critical to the significant financial assistance we give to the Conservancy and other organisations around the harbour.  The grants we provide support projects and activities that otherwise just would not take place, and help to conserve, preserve and educate for the future. Further information about some of the recent grants we have provided can be found through the following link 
As well as the considerable financial assistance we give, the Friends provide work parties, every week all year round, which take part in essential maintenance and repairs to the footpaths and nature reserves across the harbour.  You can find more details about the work parties we organise through the following link

Your annual subscription is [£  ].00 and payment can be made by one of the following three methods:
Credit Card or PayPal online from your PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet. 
To do so, go to and click on Member Sign-In on the Home page. 

Direct bank transfer to Friends of Chichester Harbour, Account No: 87037440, 
Sort Code 52-41-20 quoting your membership number [xxxxx]

Sending a cheque, quoting your membership number [xxxxx] to Pam Marrs, 
Membership Secretary FOCH, 42 Bracklesham Road, Hayling Island PO11 9SJ

Please let us know if you have any problems by emailing me at, 
Please do not reply to the messenger address above.

Yours sincerely,

Pam Marrs

Pam Marrs
Membership Secretary


Subs overdue letter

Dear [Friend /name]

The renewal of your annual membership for the Friends of Chichester Harbour is now overdue 
[   ] days.  I very much hope that you will continue your membership in support of our voluntary activities around the harbour.  If you would like more details about the projects we support or the work parties we organise, please visit our website at  

Your annual subscription is [£  ].00 and payment can be made by one of the following three methods:
Credit Card or PayPal online from your PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet. 
To do so, go to and click on Member Sign-In on the Home page. 

Direct bank transfer to Friends of Chichester Harbour, Account No: 87037440, 
Sort Code 52-41-20 quoting your membership number [xxxxx]

Sending a cheque, quoting your membership number [xxxxx] to Pam Marrs, 
Membership Secretary FOCH, 42 Bracklesham Road, Hayling Island PO11 9SJ

If you do not wish to renew your membership, or if you have any problems doing so, please let us know by emailing me at, or by writing to me at the above address. 

If you have already paid, our apologies and please ignore this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Pam Marrs

Pam Marrs
Membership Secretary


Dear [Friend/name]

The renewal of your annual membership for the Friends of Chichester Harbour is now overdue [   ] days.  I very much hope that you will continue your membership in support of our voluntary activities around the harbour.  If you would like more details about the projects we support, or the work parties we organise, please visit our website at  

Your annual subscription is [£  ].00 and payment can be made by one of the following three methods 

Credit Card or PayPal online from your PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet. 
To do so, go to and click on Member Sign-In on the Home page. 

Direct bank transfer to Friends of Chichester Harbour, Account No: 87037440, 
Sort Code 52-41-20 quoting your membership number [xxxxx]

Sending a cheque, quoting your membership number [xxxxx] to Pam Marrs, 
Membership Secretary FOCH, 42 Bracklesham Road, Hayling Island PO11 9SJ

If you do not wish to renew your membership or if you have any problems please let me know by emailing me at 
Please do not reply to the messenger address above.

If you have already paid, our apologies and please ignore this email.

Yours sincerely,

Pam  Marrs

Pam Marrs
Membership Secretary