QMU AIM: Wanting to do a real world course to help them get a job,
20 students each week, 40 new faces in total.
Second year group, most likely to be people who will find it most difficult to obtain employment, after leaving Queen Mary, even with their degree!
Next Wednesday, 5th June at 5.30pm, first meeting with the students
All should attend (bar Dan) there will be a slide show.
API Week, daily schedule:
Morning Challenge 7-8 kyu, 45mins,
Workshop 2-3hours (depends on topic),
Then pair programming using the API,
Presentation 2-3mins.
Topics for Api week:
Day 1: Git hub and command line, just terminal, and gh-pages upload. HTML/CSS things look pretty
Day 2: Workshop (postman) with TFL API. Simple journey planner, take them through how to read documentation, the pair programming, create something cool.
Day 3: Workshop google API (maps, potentially google places) set-up API keys, the pair programming, create something cool.
Day 4: Chart JS, government petition data, cool graphs of government data. OR D3 workshop.
Day 5: Mix of Google maps API and TFL API, whole day create something super cool!
Potential API's: Guardian, NASA,
TDD Week, daily schedule:
Day1: Git hub and command line first half. What is TDD, coin counter. Dwyl repo, code academy.
Day2: First half Roman Numeral and Udacity. PING PONG POMODORO,
Day3: Udacity and ?
Day4: Game of life.
Day5: Stopwatch build TDD.
API & TDD different branches per day that people are working on, when building workshops and READmes.
All recommendations welcome.
Materials for teachers: Udacity javascript testing, 12 hours. Code academy TDD.
Guardian have 8 tests that we should do. Pick one. Pre-requisites.
QMU AIM: Wanting to do a real world course to help them get a job,
20 students each week, 40 new faces in total. Second year group, most likely to be people who will find it most difficult to obtain employment, after leaving Queen Mary, even with their degree!
Next Wednesday, 5th June at 5.30pm, first meeting with the students
All should attend (bar Dan) there will be a slide show.
API Week, daily schedule:
Morning Challenge 7-8 kyu, 45mins, Workshop 2-3hours (depends on topic), Then pair programming using the API, Presentation 2-3mins.
Topics for Api week: Day 1: Git hub and command line, just terminal, and gh-pages upload. HTML/CSS things look pretty Day 2: Workshop (postman) with TFL API. Simple journey planner, take them through how to read documentation, the pair programming, create something cool. Day 3: Workshop google API (maps, potentially google places) set-up API keys, the pair programming, create something cool. Day 4: Chart JS, government petition data, cool graphs of government data. OR D3 workshop.
Day 5: Mix of Google maps API and TFL API, whole day create something super cool!
Potential API's: Guardian, NASA,
TDD Week, daily schedule:
Day1: Git hub and command line first half. What is TDD, coin counter. Dwyl repo, code academy. Day2: First half Roman Numeral and Udacity. PING PONG POMODORO, Day3: Udacity and ? Day4: Game of life.
Day5: Stopwatch build TDD.
API & TDD different branches per day that people are working on, when building workshops and READmes.
All recommendations welcome.
Materials for teachers: Udacity javascript testing, 12 hours. Code academy TDD. Guardian have 8 tests that we should do. Pick one. Pre-requisites.