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dapptools-style coverage #99

Closed gakonst closed 2 months ago

gakonst commented 2 years ago

Implemented at:


transmissions11 commented 2 years ago

sadly theirs is pretty bad tbh, it doesn't have any branching info for == statements, etc

gakonst commented 2 years ago

can you recommend an algorithm, and we can start scoping it out along with how we'd utilize sourcemaps?

transmissions11 commented 2 years ago

only good one i know is solidity-coverage's but it works by instrumenting the solidity whereas we'd probably want to do it at the VM level?

gakonst commented 2 years ago

Yes, I didn't love the injected events approach...what is the hevm approach missing? is it hard?

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

More notes:

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

Notes on how we can achieve coverage:

Points where I'm stuck:

mds1 commented 2 years ago

One thing to note is when improving fuzzing as part of #387, we may want to hook into the coverage results to enable coverage-guided fuzzing, i.e. the fuzzer would know what parts of code have or have not been covered and use that to guide input mutations. I'm not familiar enough with the internals to know if the above plan enables that but just wanted to mention it in case it affects coverage implementation

maurelian commented 2 years ago

Just want to add a strong vote for this feature. For context, our monorepo relies heavily on solidity coverage, and CI checks will fail when a change would reduce coverage below a certain threshold.

mds1 commented 2 years ago

@maurelian I'm planning to post an initial UX proposal for coverage later today (though deferring to @gakonst on actual implementation timelines), which will be based on my experience with dapptools + Instanbul style coverage reports, since those are the main coverage tools I've used. If you have any UX suggestions or tools who's reports/workflows you like/can link to, that would be great!

gakonst commented 2 years ago

ACK - coverage is next up on our prio list.

mds1 commented 2 years ago

UX Proposal

This is largely based on how Istanbul's JS coverage reports work, since that's what I've used the most and haven't had any big issues with it's approach/formatting (whereas the dapptools format is clunky and not great IMO). Istanbul is what Hardhat's coverage tool uses to generate output data/reports.

As a result, this initial proposal pretty much just describes how Istanbul works, but happy to iterate and change things based on feedback.

Standard Syntax

Coverage should not be the default since the added instrumentation will likely significantly slow down tests, so instead we should run coverage with:

forge test --coverage

It would be great if this also supported watch mode and the various match flags, so you can do

forge test --coverage -w --match-contract ContractWereIncreasingCoverageFor

CI Syntax

I'd be curious to hear more from @maurelian about how this should work, but a CI mode would be great so you can configure your CI to fail if aggregate coverage drops below some threshold. One possible syntax is instead of running the above command you'd run:

forge test --coverage-threshold 95

This will cause the process to exit with an error if coverage is < 95%

Terminal Output

At the bottom of the terminal output, append a table summary of coverage to the standard test output. Something like the below code block, where >= 80% coverage is colored green, 65% <= x < 80% coverage is yellow, and < 65% coverage is red (I believe these are the thresholds used by Istanbul).

$ forge test --coverage

[⠆] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Running 1 test for src/test/MyContract.t.sol:MyContractConstructor
[PASS] testConstructor() (gas: 31072)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 10.32ms

File               |   % Stmts |% Branches |   % Funcs |   % Lines |
src/               |      100  |     100   |     100   |      100  |
  MyContract.sol   |      100  |     100   |     100   |      100  |
All files          |      100  |     100   |     100   |      100  |

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 100% ( 350/350 )
Branches     : 100% ( 176/176 )
Functions    : 100% ( 81/81 )
Lines        : 100% ( 317/317 )

File Output

In addition to the terminal output, output files containing more details should be saved to a coverage folder. Istanbul saves this as HTML/JS/CSS files where:

The syntax used by Istanbul in these reports can be found here. To summarize:

Screenshots from random reports I found online are below:

image image

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

Coverage should generate LCOV files at the very least so it is uploadable to tools like CodeCov. The LCOV file can also be used to generate the HTML reports and so on, so really, we "only" need the LCOV file and the rest can be built on top.

For coverage thresholds, I think people mostly defer to other tools that also take LCOV?

mds1 commented 2 years ago

Coverage should generate LCOV files at the very least so it is uploadable to tools like CodeCov. The LCOV file can also be used to generate the HTML reports and so on, so really, we "only" need the LCOV file and the rest can be built on top.

Ah perfect that makes sense, thanks.

For coverage thresholds, I think people mostly defer to other tools that also take LCOV?

Seems this is what Optimism does. Though is there a reason we wouldn't want to integrate at least a simple coverage threshold natively so it can be used to trigger a CI failure? Seems nice to not need a third-party tool, and it'd facilitate having a better forge init out of the box. But I haven't used Codecov or other similar tools, so I'm not sure what nice-to-have features they may have that a native approach won't have.

One thing I forgot to mention is how fuzz/invariant tests should affect coverage reports. I think there's a few ways we can handle this:

  1. Ignore fuzz/invariant tests from coverage reports so reports are deterministic.
  2. Include them, and settle for non-deterministic coverage. This is arguably ok since it means you may be relying too heavily on broad fuzz tests and not enough targeted unit tests?
  3. Include fuzz runs, but only after implementing so coverage can be deterministic.
  4. Add a flag so the user can determine whether or not fuzz test runs should be included in coverage reports.
maurelian commented 2 years ago


I'd be curious to hear more from @maurelian about how this should work, but a CI mode would be great so you can configure your CI to fail if aggregate coverage drops below some threshold.

Yeah, I can't find it now that we've migrated from GHA to Circle CI, but we previously dependedon tooling from CodeCov to cause the CI failure.

One thing I forgot to mention is how fuzz/invariant tests should affect coverage reports. I think there's a few ways we can handle this.

When I think of coverage I think of unit tests, and I'd want to be able to use the report to direct me to where further tests are needed. So, my default is to not mix the two kinds of coverage up, at most have a separate report for each.

mds1 commented 2 years ago

When I think of coverage I think of unit tests, and I'd want to be able to use the report to direct me to where further tests are needed. So, my default is to not mix the two kinds of coverage up, at most have a separate report for each.

Hmm, interesting! I find sometimes I only write fuzz tests for certain portions of code, since having a separate concrete test for the same code is redundant. But I see your use case, so perhaps an --include-fuzz flag is the best option here. And if you always run forge coverage --include-fuzz, but see a regression in coverage, that's an indication you probably should e.g. add a concrete test to ensure consistent coverage.

(Side note: Above I suggested forge test --coverage, but when writing this I naturally went to forge coverage. I think either is fine fwiw)

Willyham commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm very interested in helping out with this feature! I posted some discussion here before I realised this issue existed.

Initial thoughts after catching up:

  1. Are we settled on the implementation at the solidity level via AST manipulation rather than at the VM level?
  2. I'm definitely in favour of the tooling just producing a standardised format and leaving the reporting/html generation/etc to other tools. There are many of them which already exist. Does rust have a native coverage format? Ideally using a format which doesn't require another package manager (e.g. npm) to install dev tooling would be nice.
  3. I would personally include fuzzing in the coverage but I can see the argument for a flag. Would prefer if the flag was opt-out though.
  4. I would lean towards forge test --cover[age] because all the same options (e.g. --match) will be useful/needed as well. forge cover could be an alias for forge test --cover.

And finally, the gold standard here would be to integrate the coverage report with the solidity plugins for editors, so that you can see the coverage results directly in your editor every time you save. This massively plays to forge's strength as tests are feasible to run on save, which isn't really possible with other environments.

The Go plugin does this and it makes the feedback loop for tests incredibly fast


I am completely new to the codebase but keen to help out. I think the best way to parallelise would be to try and understand any dependencies or refactors needed and possibly try to create some distinct issues 🙏

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

Are we settled on the implementation at the solidity level via AST manipulation rather than at the VM level?

I think the current thinking is that we would not use the AST. We would instead on a VM-level check jump instructions and map those to the source code using source maps, but the approach hasn't been validated so that might change.

And finally, the gold standard here would be to integrate the coverage report with the solidity plugins for editors, so that you can see the coverage results directly in your editor every time you save. This massively plays to forge's strength as tests are feasible to run on save, which isn't really possible with other environments.

Do you have any additional info on how this works? I'd assume it uses LCOV - if that's the case, then integration should be simple. We probably just need a way to output the raw LCOV to stdout

Willyham commented 2 years ago

I think the current thinking is that we would not use the AST. We would instead on a VM-level check jump instructions and map those to the source code using source maps, but the approach hasn't been validated so that might change.

Ah right, thanks. I had a question on this; if the compiler makes optimisations like removing branches, can we still map the bytecode back to source lines? Users clearly operate on the source-line level, so seeing missing coverage on a line because of something the compiler does would be confusing. I've seen that some languages seem to implement coverage with LLVM so I assume this is a solved problem, but not sure how it works.

Do you have any additional info on how this works? I'd assume it uses LCOV - if that's the case, then integration should be simple. We probably just need a way to output the raw LCOV to stdout

Go has its own native coverage format (which is an extremely simple text file). The editor runs the tests and the file is output to a tmp directory, which is then read, parsed and rendered in the editor. I'd be happy to try and take this part on because I might be more use there, as I'm very unfamiliar with the vm code and rust.

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

Ah right, thanks. I had a question on this; if the compiler makes optimisations like removing branches, can we still map the bytecode back to source lines? Users clearly operate on the source-line level, so seeing missing coverage on a line because of something the compiler does would be confusing. I've seen that some languages seem to implement coverage with LLVM so I assume this is a solved problem, but not sure how it works.

Probably not. The source maps in Solidity are really flaky when you turn the optimizer on, so we would probably need the optimizer to be off. I'm not sure, though, I'll figure that out as I implement the feature

Go has its own native coverage format (which is an extremely simple text file). The editor runs the tests and the file is output to a tmp directory, which is then read, parsed and rendered in the editor. I'd be happy to try and take this part on because I might be more use there, as I'm very unfamiliar with the vm code and rust.

Ah, I misunderstood as well - you don't want Forge to necessarily support Go's coverage format, just a coverage format that can be used in editors? If so, I think most editors should be able to support LCOV (used by C and others), or at least something proximal to it

Willyham commented 2 years ago

Running it with the optimizer off makes sense 👍

For the coverage; yes LCOV format would be good. The Go description was just an example of the how the output might be used in editors. As long as forge can output the LCOV file to a specified location, I should be able to integrate it with editor plugins relatively easily.

maurelian commented 2 years ago

forge coverage feels more consistent to me with the existence of forge snapshot.

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

I also think forge coverage makes more sense to not clutter the interface of forge test with even more options. For example, we want at least --coverage-threshold (or just --threshold if on forge coverage), report types (--report <type>) and more.

There are also some clashes between forge test and the coverage behaviour; for example, we can't run coverage with optimizations turned on, but since you could conceivably do forge test --gas-report --coverage this may lead to "bug reports" even though it is intentional, since it might be unexpected behavior

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 20000.0 DAI (20000.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) attached to it as part of the synapsecns fund.

0xvv commented 2 years ago

Trying to summarize the TODOs

Anyone already started working on this ? I'm down to work on it but may lack some knowledge on the VM side

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

Yes, I am actively working on it. Will post a status update tomorrow (I am not home)

The todo list is no longer valid since that was based on Sputnik, and we've since moved to REVM :)

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 264 years, 6 months from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) bastek8 has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

Program i wszystlo z hun zwiazane 2) onbjerg has been approved to start work.

I was already working on this feature before the bounty was added 3) malavekevin36 has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

I work plan and whoever don’t want to come back to work they can find a new job

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

So, as promised, here is a status update.

I was already working on this issue prior to the bounty (which is why I am assigned).

Initially, the thought was to analyse JUMPI and JUMPDESTs to find branches (i.e. require, assert, if etc.), however it would not get us all the way in terms of the information we want - we want functions, branches, executable lines and statements.


The primary mode of operation for the coverage tool will be to collect the following pieces of information:

This information will be collected from the AST of the Solidity files. Then the tests are run with a special coverage collector that marks opcodes as hit as they are executed, which we later use (along with source maps) to map back to the coverage items.

Report types

The above information will be output either to stdout as a simple report, or as an LCOV file that you can upload to services like CodeCov. A stretch goal would be to add a HTML report as well, but since tools already exist for converting LCOV to HTML, it isn't a deal breaker if it is not in the first version.

Compared to other coverage tools

Current status

I went with the jump analysis first, but as I found it insufficient, I had to scrap most of my work and start over with the method described above. The coverage collector is done, but I am currently having some issues constructing the higher level coverage data that the reports will use (see below)

Current issues

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

Sorry guys, this is taking longer than expected. I've opened up a draft PR with a status update, and I intend to update that PR as I go with new status updates if relevant.

onbjerg commented 2 years ago

Reopening this - still some edge cases and missing stuff. See this label:

maurelian commented 1 year ago

May I ask what the status is with coverage generation of fuzz tests? It looks to me as though they are not yet included and I don't yet see an --include-fuzz flag as discussed above.

lucas-manuel commented 1 year ago

Close-able? @mds1

mds1 commented 1 year ago

Let's leave this open for now, eventually all coverage stuff will be aggregated into and I want to make sure things in here don't get missed

hellwolf commented 6 months ago

I have a question. I still see branch coverage misses for assertions. E.g.


I don't think it is ideal. But what is the expected behavior as of now?

zerosnacks commented 2 months ago

Marking as complete as the feature has been implemented (minus some small bugs and follow-up features). Closing in favor of