foundryvtt / dnd5e

An implementation of the 5th Edition game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (
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Feature Request: Jump Distance Calculation on Sheet #2453

Open Zanderaf opened 1 year ago

Zanderaf commented 1 year ago

It would maybe be nice to have a button on the sheet somewhere that could print out the maximum distance a creature can jump, either high or long jump with and without a running start. Maybe a small section of the attributes page could be used for it since thats where most skill checks / saves are made?

Long Jump: When you make a long jump, you cover a number of feet up to your Strength score if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump. When you make a standing long jump, you can leap only half that distance.

High Jump: When you make a high jump, you leap into the air a number of feet equal to 3 + your Strength modifier if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump. When you make a standing high jump, you can jump only half that distance.

The only roadbloack I'm kind of seeing is the extend arms up part of the high jump- namely:

The character sheet doesnt exactly have support for a character's height from what I'm seeing.

JPMeehan commented 1 year ago

Seems like something a tooltip would be useful for.

krbz999 commented 9 months ago

This would be a great addition with the new sheet and new tooltip functionality.