foundryvtt / dnd5e

An implementation of the 5th Edition game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (
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Spell materials aren't consumed #3490

Open Galacic-Glitch opened 3 weeks ago

Galacic-Glitch commented 3 weeks ago

When casting a spell that consumes a material the material isn't consumed. I tested a PC who had revivify with 5 supplies and after 10 castings the supply never went bellow 5.

Fyorl commented 3 weeks ago

Is this when using the 'spellcasting materials', or when setting up consumption via the 'resource consumption' field on Item sheets?

Galacic-Glitch commented 3 weeks ago

Using the 'spellcasting materials'. Added a pic just in case I missed something and to double make sure we talking about the same thing. example