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Add ability to customize the name of a summoned token #3908

Open Bradeck opened 1 month ago

Bradeck commented 1 month ago

Foundry v12, build 330; DD5e v3.3.1, no module except one adventure.

When creating a summon for a creature via direct link, the summoned creature don't use the customized name for the token. See img.

summon01 summon02

Rabulias commented 1 month ago

I am not seeing this on FVTT 11.315 and DND5E 3.3.1. Check the Prototype Token settings for the summoned Actor and be sure that you have the Unlinked Token naming option that you want selected.

Bradeck commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I don't understand. Per the wiki, all I have to do is put a name in the right text box, and it should be the name of the summoned token.

Screennshot of the wiki : summon03

Here, I summon a Shadow, it's name should be "Test", and not "Shadow" as per the summoning configuration.

I tried to look at the Unliked Token naming option for the protorype token, but I see only two option :

Maybe I'm missing something obvious ?

Bradeck commented 1 month ago

Ok, now I understand. I've tweaked my test so that I could summon more than 1 type of creature, and the label is only for the drop box of the summoning dialog window. Reading the Wiki, I though it was to label the token of the summoned creature.

So I guess what I wish for is a new feature : to be able to personnalize the name of the token of the summoned creature so the player can easely distinguih between their summon and other creature (I mean, imagine a druid summoning 8 snakes to battle 8 other snakes...)

Maybe by just appending the name of the summoner's actor before the name of the summoned creature ?

Rabulias commented 1 month ago

Prototype Token settings can help you here I believe.

Say Aoth the Druid frequently uses conjure animals to call up 8 wolves. You can set up an Aoth's Wolf actor with the following settings: AothWolf

Now when he summons them they will appear as Aoth's Wolf (1), Aoth's Wolf (2), etc.

If you have multiple summoning profiles for conjure animals, you can make a profile just for Aoth. I think. I have not worked with the profiles too much myself.

Bradeck commented 1 month ago

My exemple was not the best, sorry.

I understand that i can do that, but then if I had multiple PC & NPCs able to summon the same creature, I would have to have a seperate actor for each creature being summoned for each possible summoner. That's not very realistic. Exemple : I my group, there are three people able to conjure a familiar. They often summon the Owl. So we have 3 owl on the map, hard to know wich one is the familiar of which character.

So feature wise, it would be nice to have something to allow to distinguish them. Even by only prepending the name of the summoner's to the name of the creature summoned, if allowing a full custom name is not feasible. I really thought that whas the purpose of the label box of the customizing summons.