foundryvtt / dnd5e

An implementation of the 5th Edition game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (
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Journal Entry Page is Not Styled when Opening Just that Page #4288

Open Larkinabout opened 2 months ago

Larkinabout commented 2 months ago

When opening just the Journal Entry Page of a document, the content does not pick up the dnd5e style. Additionally, the journal-page-header is flex: 1 due to .window-app .window-content > * and there is no padding around journal-page-header nor journal-page-content. image

arbron commented 2 months ago

This seems to be a module opening a journal page in a non-standard way, standard method for showing a single journal page to players results in it still opening within a full journal entry application.

arbron commented 2 months ago

I see, you are rendering the journal entry page sheet directly.

Larkinabout commented 2 months ago

Yes, I thought it was a nice way of just showing the specific content I want the user to see rather than within the full journal. As it worked, I thought it was a purposeful, intended method, but just missing the styling. Specifically, I grab the document from the UUID of the entry using fromUuid, then render the sheet.

Realise now that the lack of padding is most likely because it's not actually fully supported with core Foundry either.

arbron commented 2 months ago

Yes, I thought it was a nice way of just showing the specific content I want the user to see rather than within the full journal. As it worked, I thought it was a purposeful, intended method, but just missing the styling. Specifically, I grab the document from the UUID of the entry using fromUuid, then render the sheet.

Realise now that the lack of padding is most likely because it's not actually fully supported with core Foundry either.

Yeah, probably not the way to go about it. You could always set it up to use a rich tooltip and point them towards rule pages.

Larkinabout commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I'll try that.

I'll also pop an issue over on Foundry VTT side as I think it'd be a nice option and it's almost working as is.