foundryvtt / dnd5e

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The 'Orb' SRD item is a weapon #4337

Closed krbz999 closed 1 month ago

krbz999 commented 2 months ago

That's hard to ponder.

Should just be a trinket, equipment, or loot-type item, and shouldnt have any activities.

Also the case for

M0nk3yy commented 2 months ago

They're a bit weird since a Focus is arguably the "weapon" of a caster. Equipment is more predominantly "wearable" items rather than "holdable" items, and Loot isn't equippable at all. At least that is what I imagine the original thought process to have been considering. Lines also blur as other common focus types - staffs - can be used as a weapon. So the expectation would probably be that you see them in the same place.

Could leave them as weapons but remove attacks?

If not, Trinket Equipment probably preferable to Loot.

krbz999 commented 2 months ago

Trinket (equipment) would be preferrable to a weapon.