foundryvtt / foundryvtt-premium-content

Public issue tracking for feature requests and bug reports related to first-party premium content for Foundry Virtual Tabletop.
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[Feature]: change colour of outlined hex after being reconned or mapped. via hex shading. #550

Open ThingsCouldGetDicey opened 4 months ago

ThingsCouldGetDicey commented 4 months ago

What is the feature?

when you have reconned or mapped id love for the world map to show an outline of the hex as a different perminant colour to indicate that once a hex has the setting turned on with reconoitered it will display a certain colour around the hex, and mapped another colour. just the outline so when players and gms look at the map of the stolen lands they can clearly see which is which. without having to scroll over every hex.

What package are you reporting this for?

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

ThingsCouldGetDicey commented 4 months ago

i think that the toggles should be on the side bar under one button as a new menu. seperate from the token controls.

image this should be move from token control to an actual button.

then in that button should be the controls over showing the players which hexes they have reconnoitered and which they have mapped. and which they have claimed for their kingdom.

each display should be toggleable with a different shade.

also with each shading the gm should get to control the transparency of the shade over the map.

this is what it looks like in the political map overlay mod. link here:


they also have a colour wheel of hex choices.


my suggestion is to have it as a setting to be turned on in the main module. or on this map.

with the ability to put text aswell maybe? not too sure.

but the idea is as follows.

user namely the gm controls how the hex is made into a reconoitered hex or mapped or claimed or cleared. the GM then sets the colour via the colour picker for each state. Then the state is visibile on the side bar menu after selecting hex controls. The gm then can toggle them on or off to show their players whats been done on each hex.

for example. a player asks can we see whats been reconned.

Gm clicks ronned button, shows all reconned hexes as a different overlay shade.

as for them stacking ontop of each other maybe not?

maybe as a design have it so that it the gm has to switch between individual states.

i would suggest that

silvative commented 4 months ago

This is a cool suggestion and I like your examples for what the UI could look like. I'd love if we could support tinting the selection highlight based on the exploration status, and we could theoretically also support custom colours for each state as configurable module settings. Unfortunately, this wouldn't be trivial to add, as it'd require some new scripting/tools to be developed, so I can't promise it'll ever come- but I'll leave it open for now in case we have some more developer time to put towards this feature.