foundryvtt / foundryvtt-premium-content

Public issue tracking for feature requests and bug reports related to first-party premium content for Foundry Virtual Tabletop.
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Feature: Add a button to the "tools" array that copies the currently previewed filepath (portrait or token, depending on which asset is being previewed at the moment) #638

Open silvative opened 3 months ago

silvative commented 3 months ago

As in, button go here


Click on it to copy the image path so you can place it in a journal or something

shemetz commented 3 months ago

+1 here. A feature like this would make my life much easier when trying to give art to unlinked/actorless tokens. Right now I have to use the inspector to get the image URL, copy it, and manually edit it to use the right dynamic-token art.

To solve my problem, though, there could be an alternate solution: allow dragging a character art piece onto a token, to update that token's image source (defaulting to dynamic ring if it has ring enabled). if the token has a linked actor, you can continue and ask whether to set that actor's art too or not.

(note: if this feature is added, when the page is in "token mode", make it copy the frameless image rather than the image-with-frame-included!)

If anyone else is impatient like me, here's a macro that copies the currently selected gallery character's art and then sets it in a token. You can edit/shorten the code, if you just want the art to be copied to clipboard or something.

const selectedImgInGallery = $('div.preview.selected figure img')[0]
if (!selectedImgInGallery) return ui.notifications.error("Open the Character Gallery and select a character first")
const localImgThumbnailSrc = selectedImgInGallery.src
const startIdx = localImgThumbnailSrc.indexOf("modules/")
const cleanSrc = localImgThumbnailSrc.substr(startIdx)
const cleanHost = localImgThumbnailSrc.substr(0, startIdx)
const selectedTokens = canvas.tokens.controlled
if (!selectedTokens.length) return ui.notifications.error("Select at least one token!")

const module = game.modules.get("pf2e-tokens-characters")
const sourcesData = module.DATA.SOURCES.flatMap(s =>
const charData = sourcesData.find(dat => === cleanSrc)
const artData =
const newScale = artData.scale ?? 1
const newTexture = cleanHost + artData.subject

const updates = => ({
    ring: {
      enabled: true,
      effects: 1 | tok.document.ring.effects,
      subject: {
        scale: newScale,
        texture: newTexture,
    texture: {
      scaleY: newScale,
await canvas.scene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Token", updates)