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Consider inverting the Behaviour Status control inside the Region Behaviour config sheet #10771

Open unsoluble opened 2 weeks ago

unsoluble commented 2 weeks ago

User Experience

The "Behavior Status" section of a Region's config is needlessly inverted — it would be a more straightforward UX to have the control be labelled Enable, with the checkbox on by default (and the supporting hint tweaked to match).

CleanShot 2024-04-26 at 19 17 37

aaclayton commented 2 weeks ago

We could consider flipping the UI but from a data models perspective this was done for consistency with other placeable types like Token, Tile, AmbientLight, AmbientSound, MeasuredTemplate, etc... where we track whether the placeable is hidden. In the case of those other placeables, the UX around interacting with the hidden field is different (either via a HUD or via a right-click on a control icon).