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Consider always switching to the Select Regions tool on activating the Region Controls tool layer #10773

Open unsoluble opened 2 weeks ago

unsoluble commented 2 weeks ago

User Experience

Currently, Foundry remembers which sub-tool you were on in the Region Controls tool layer, when you swap to a different tool layer. While this may be a convenience feature in other contexts, in my experience it seemingly always is more harm than help.

For example, any time you've been adding shapes to a region, you'll typically swap to the Token Controls layer to test things out. On returning back to Region Controls and seeing no regions, the inclination is to drag-select an empty selection to get back to seeing all your regions — but that ends up making a brand new region accidentally.

Suggest that in this case it would be preferable to "forget" the sub-tool state on leaving, and always return to Select Regions when coming back to this tool layer.

aaclayton commented 2 weeks ago

Would almost certainly be reported as a bug as soon as we make this change, but... I see your point.