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Token movement paths with waypoints inside regions terminate movement if they are updated on entering the region #10789

Closed Fyorl closed 2 weeks ago

Fyorl commented 2 weeks ago

Originally reported by zhell9201

Short Description of bug: A token movement path that has a waypoint inside a scene region will be terminated at that waypoint if the scene region has a 'Token Enters' event that performs an update to the token. E.g., setting the "texture.tint" property.

Simple steps to reproduce the bug: Make a scene region with an 'Execute Script' behavior with the event 'Token Enters' and this script:

const token =;
return token.update({"texture.tint": "0x000000"});
```then create a path using the ruler on the token layer starting outside the region, where 1 waypoint is inside the region, and the next is outside. Execute the movement. The token stop as soon as it hits the first waypoint.