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foundry.applications.elements.HTMLRangePickerElement Should Update the Value Display on Drag #10804

Closed mouse0270 closed 2 weeks ago

mouse0270 commented 2 weeks ago

User Experience

When dragging a range slider using foundry.applications.elements.HTMLRangePickerElement the value displayed to the right does not get displayed until the user lets go of they slider. This means users are unable to see the value until they release, making it tedious to adjust the values of longer ranges like 0 to 500 or 0 to 1 if the step is 0.1

This appears to be resolvable by adding this.#rangeInput.addEventListener("input", onChange); to the _activateListeners function within HTMLRangePickerElement As it will cause the input to the right to update as you drag the slider around.

A Demo of this working to show how much nicer it feels as an end user.

mouse0270 commented 2 weeks ago

Also important to note, that making this change may cause issues with #10776 as this setting seems to adjust the UI as the as soon as it registers a change to this value vs once a user hits save.