foundryvtt / foundryvtt

Public issue tracking and documentation for Foundry Virtual Tabletop - software connecting RPG gamers in a shared multiplayer environment with an intuitive interface and powerful API.
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Double-clicking a wall segment fails to open its Wall Configuration dialog unless it is clicked on one of the end nodes #10821

Open Norc opened 2 weeks ago

Norc commented 2 weeks ago

What happened?

Double-clicking the segment portion of Wall in the canvas should open its Wall Configuration dialog, but it no longer is. No error is thrown, but the dialog fails to open. Double-clicking one of the two end nodes still opens the dialog as usual.

This behavior was functioning as intended in 12.320, but is not as of the latest dev code from 45 minutes ago.

What ways of accessing Foundry can you encounter this issue in?

Reproduction Steps

System information:

Repro steps:

  1. Create a clean new world
  2. Draw a normal wall
  3. Double-click the linear segment portion of the wall

Current behavior: Wall Config dialog does not render

Expected behavior: Wall Config dialog does render

What core version are you reporting this for?

dev-12 branch code after 12.320 and before 12.321

Relevant log output

No response

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